Unfortunately we do not have the ability to upload videos directly here. After all of these many, many years, TrainBoard and RailImages have an amazing amount of photos and other data stored. A HUGE amount. And that takes up a lot of space. I have my own website, so use it for the few I have created, and just embed them here. But most folks do not have their own site, so the public venues are about all that remain for options.
Sounds like Ownership is FINALLY considering upgrading the extremely outdated Forum Software that is currently being used. The newer version of XenForo has video uploading (transcoding) built in so that you can upload RAW video from your phone to a post without the need to upload raw video to YouTube and then embed a YouTube video. XF2 has had this for several years now and it works great!
The consideration, as I noted, is storage space consumed. Videos can quickly add up volume. As we are coming close to wrapping up our 25th year, we have a ton of files and photos right now. We will be upgrading the software. It is taking a bit of time, as we do not, have not for a long time, simply used out of the box programs. We add various plug-ins, plus some personalized customizations. Which costs us a bit of money. This work is now in progress.
Fortunately, this is no longer an issue for sites like this that can be (and are) image heavy, as external storage is DIRT CHEAP now days (and has been for the past decade thanks to mass storage like Amazon S3). Not only is it super cheap, but modern software (like XF 2.3) makes it super easy to configure and manage (XF 2.3 has it built in now). One of my NFL forums dwarfs this site (by a HUGE margin). I use Amazon S3 and pay $120 per year (talking 1000's of gigs of storage, which is needed for millions of active users uploading images and videos). This sites external storage needs would be less than $50 per YEAR with Amazon S3 and would allow for video uploads as well (which I will gladly help pay for as I am sure others would as well). Would be awesome if you guys would at least consider it! Now back to assembling more turnouts as they don't assemble themselves!
Good luck!!, yea that would be a nice upgrade, i suppose i would be more willing to support if there was some storage capability that was available to use, would make it more worthwhile.
Yes, I have two of them on the layout, they come two to a box, want to see picture of what they look like on layout?