Wanted to post my layout that i am going to build table based on and a pic of what i have on floor at moment so my Grandson can run them now. Space is 21'x5' plus the small 2x6 staging area. Green buildings i have or kits i have to build, light blue stuff i need to buy still, am also putting power block in to shutdown power to sections or power separately. Any tips on the new layout and building of table plan is 2x4 frame 1/2' plywood. Bridge section supports will be from Bridge boss.
The table is taking me a bit to do as i want to make so i can take apart later to move it. my summer project
It looks like a good plan. Since you are running it as a floor layout you already know how it will work. That's a big advantage. I like your staging yard. I may add something like that to my layout. I will enjoy following along as you build this layout. It will be fun watching it come to life.
Pretty sure i saw you talking about it on your post and i said that was great Idea and added. the layout is all 36 curves
You are correct. I don’t remember how long ago it was but we discussed strengths and weaknesses of plans.
Not a fan i can tell, funny i have had no issues with the layout so far. however i have had issues with the bluetooth stuff they are using. the RF side is solidi use a Base 2 and Cab2 with Wifi and sensor track so far. iPad is controlling all my switch at touch of screen. and soon i will do power blocks as well on it. also have decouplers on it as well. In time i am going to add the MTH TIU when it comes out and run there Engines instead of the bluetooth stuff from Lionel. I had a n scale a long time ago and was fun. always wanted do do a bigger one so here we went.
Thanks, Going thru now and getting wiring underneath as well as soldering track together in sections, bought two Block control LCS units to use for power and bought a 180 watt power supply for each block unit, plus a CW80 for the BPC unit relays and powering uncoupling racks. After that i have to do my slope and bridge and mountain with mine is getting there. Using Cab2 and base for control of trains and iPad for control of switches, power and uncoupling tracks. will have a couple switches for lights on building and other stuff. And bought a over the top ladder from micromark to get to back areas
I know this story, living the same one now... Staying away from any WiFi or Bluetooth train control. Don't mind being hardwired to the layout, just like ethernet very consistent. DCC control is a big improvement over the old analog stuff. I am roughly 4 months behind you for my build. Also a Santa Fe fan, keep up the good work. Pep
the CAB2 is nice, not a fan of bluetooth like i said, one thing to note i did set this up with my wifi on a specfic SSID on home wireless network using mac authentication and turned off encryption for speed, also do not use phones or iPad to control trains, Will post more pictures here soon, working on tunnels and mountain on one side
here are some new pics IMG_1290 by Msjohnston posted Dec 16, 2024 at 9:55 AM IMG_1289 by Msjohnston posted Dec 16, 2024 at 9:55 AM
I am not allowed LOL ? "TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original - Error You do not have permission to view media within this album." How is this I wonder.... Pep
Much better for a minute. I thought I was going to have you stand in the corner ROTF... The buildings look good, the more track I have placed. I see more real estate for structures. This is the first of the 2 reverse loops I have planned, all the track is screwed down & the route is set, then I remove it. Put down the roadbed, tape & paint the track, install, and move to the next section. Pep
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That is too bad, oh well no video i guess. I do not support in any way Google, Youtube, Apple, Amazon, netflix and all the streaming junk. and if i do not have to i will not use microsoft unless i have to. Free and open source and secure as possible.