Not inspiring, that's funny. Everything you have posted so far has been great! Nothing wrong with going slow and redoing as long as it's fun. Love what you have done so far so keep up the good work
Okay, one of my removable mountains is finally covered in Woodland Scenics Green Blended Turf. I'll add some different coloration next. I have another mountain to do in the other corner, but thankfully it's smaller. This way, if my wife and I make a household move someday, I'll be able to move the layout. The rectangular cutout in the foam allows me to easily access a hidden storage track. I'm not upset that the foam layers can be seen in some spots because the mountains will be covered in puffball trees. I know nothing about puffball trees, so need to read up.
If you get up close, you can see it, but with puffball trees and ground foam around, it won't draw attention to itself. I pressed the sections together and painted matte medium on both sides of the seam. If glue fell into the gap, that was okay. Then I sprinkled Woodland Scenics Turf on all of it, let it set up for maybe five minutes, then pulled the sections apart so that they wouldn't glue to each other. When all was dry, I'd test fit, eye the result and repeat the process where needed.
I'll second that! You can't really even tell there is a seam from a normal viewing distance and like you said, once you get those puff ball trees on there, no way would you even know it is there! Great work sir.
I did an approximation of the number of individual trees I'd need on my layout and figured I'd need ~500 if I wanted to achieve the density I'm seeking. So, it's now clear that I'm going to need to find a better way. This Allen Keller video shows a technique that has promise. For me, many of the videos claim to show easy and quick methods for making trees, yet are lengthy and exhausting to watch. Then again, I'm, not known for my patience.
I did basically the same process to build my seams for the removable tunnels on my layout. You did a great job!
~500, you need to watch a very, very. long movie while doing the same thing five hundred times May I suggest Titanic for one and the Winds Of Woopie for the second one. See if anyone gets the second suggestion of movie? BTW, spoiler alert the Titanic sinks