Train show jackpot!

Keith Dec 10, 2018

  1. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    No, it didn’t actually. Easter a Sunday was probably NOT the best choice
    of days to dig up and move plants! Not when folks weren’t up until about 1PM.
    And dinner having to be in the oven by 3:30. Have a small bunch of tulips right
    next to the track, that need to be moved. Will result in maybe an 18” hole next
    to, and probably under my track! It, they have not bloomed yet, so I gotta wait a bit.
    So,I’ve got a little time to get things fixed up a bit in places.
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  2. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Finally ordered a couple switches needed to finish the front replacement program!!
    Plus a half circle of track, so I can swap out several small sections, for full sections
    where necessary. The 2 switches ordered, plus one that I already have, that was
    ordered for train show use, should finish up the switch upgrade program!
    Just gotta find a decent day or two, to get out and attempt to finish my track upgrades!!
    Last I heard, we could get rain/snow every 3 days through the end of the month!

    Next, I gotta pull one of my GP40's apart again, and reinstall a repaired sound decoder.
    Diode burned out, creating a short! Was repaired, no charge! Just gotta install it again!
    Maybe try to install Crest system into latest RS-3 from a year or so ago! Then, figure
    out HOW to add Phoenix sound to it! Witha speaker that WILL NOT interfere with decoder.

    Then, look into adding Airwire /Sound to the 3 truck shay!

    Finally starting to get stuff started!
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  3. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Track and a couple of switches have arrived!
    Hope to maybe get out and get some work done
    this weekend, probably Saturday afternoon. Based
    on weather, it's gonna start raining Sunday afternoon, through
    Wednesday. Clear and warm again, on my dialysis OFF day on Thursday!!
    Right now, I'll be satisfied getting the front complete. Then, I can work
    on getting the connections to the back reconnected and lined up right!
    If I can get the front done, and find my track, I'm gonna try hooking up
    a regular DC power supply and see if I can manage to test run the shay finally!
    Hopefully, if it works, photos and/or video to follow!
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  4. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Supposed to be really nice here tomorrow too. I live vicariously in garden railroading through yours.
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Was nice today, so even after dialysis, I actually got
    out front and started dropping track in place. To try
    and get things lined up. Was thinking of changes, but
    Track placement, as is seems to work the best. Minor
    realignment needed, because of the USA switches.
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  6. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Messed with another switch placement today.
    This one, the one in back, just past gate. Will
    drop in perfectly, and both tracks to back should
    line up just about perfectly! I figure I’m maybe 2
    days work, from having things connected to the back again.
    That leaves wiring to work on. Figure out what was causing
    short to back.
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  7. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Sudden downpour, with small hail about 45 minutes ago!
    Truck currently stranded under 3-6 inches of water and hail yet!
    From my vantage point, by window, during dialysis today:


    Maybe not the best, but gives you an idea!!
    Now, I gotta see how railroad faired, when I get home, in about 3 hours!!

    Got home and looked things over. Not as wet under the tree, as it is in other areas.
    Held up pretty good, considering. Weather says we got about an inch of rain, with
    another inch possible tonight.
    Last edited: May 18, 2021
    Kurt Moose, Doug Gosha and BoxcabE50 like this.
  8. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Send us some rain! It's dryer than a popcorn fart here...
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Same here. Dusty and pollen a-plenty. Everyone is snuffling and sneezing. Worst allergy season I have seen in decades.... :(
  10. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Not much better here. Slight chance for showers Wednesday.
    Then, 80* on Thursday, down to 70* by next Friday. Sunny one
    day, partly cloudy the rest of the time, no rain.

    Between test riding, and ordering an Ebike, I’m hoping to get out
    and get the last 3 switches to the railroad lined up and cut in! Maybe
    in time to host railroad club layout tour for June. Then, once front is
    done and running again, I can start working on getting to the back again.
    And maybe figure out WHY I had dead short last time. Crossed wires in back
    I’m thinking, when I replaced the 4 switches in back and realigned the track.
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  11. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Crossed wires? Oops!!! Hoping that is an easy trace!
  12. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, since ebike demo ride did NOT go very well.....
    A few things are on hold for a bit out front.
    Might not get new switches lined up and spliced in.
    And I’ve offered to show the railroad to club, in person, and via Zoom
    in June.

    Took a rather wicked tumble on bike. Left knee scraped up a bit!
    Left elbow with a rather nasty cut, that bled for quite a while!!
    Not bad, but bad enough! And a few other scrapes.
    Don’t think I can get down on knees, to measure and remove track
    for cutting, much less clamping back together!

    If the weather cooperates a bit better, I’ll see what can attempt to do!
    Some nasty weather, with tornado warnings until late evening(8PM) last night!
    For areas on the eastern plains.
    So, what gets done and when, is an unknown at this point!!
    As if all the current issues weren’t enough, now this!!
    Doug Gosha, Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  13. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Bummer. :( :( :(
  14. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, despite injury from a demo bike ride that didn’t go well.....
    I’ve been able to get out front a bit over a couple of days, and do some track work.
    Next switch, on south end of wye, is now connected. Just needs to be spliced in and clamped.
    Once I can get that done, and Mom can get some plants growing way too close to the track
    moved, I can clean my track, and try test running a train! Still have areas that will need to be
    filled in, as dirt under track has eroded!

    Maybe I can get the north wye switch spliced in soon as well. And maybe get wiring issue
    sorted out! If I can at least get to that point, I might be able to use the track to the back
    and turn a train on the wye. If I can get things sorted out in time, maybe I can use the
    backyard portion this time!

    In person and virtual(Zoom) layout open house on June 19.
    Anyone close interested in visiting, drop me a PM for more information.
    Of course, social distancing observed. Face masks not required, but optional if one chooses.
    Should be interesting.
    Doug Gosha and BoxcabE50 like this.
  15. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Mom and I spent a bit of time, after dinner.
    Dug up several tulips that were trying to take over my track!
    Still have a large are of Veronica ground cover that a has to be removed.
    Mom says she’ll work on it tomorrow morning. Then, I just need to replace
    section of track. Had to remove so plants could be dug up! Then work on
    filling in a few holes, and adding a new drain pipe and fill, where a 4 foot
    wooden bridge used to be!! Maybe add a little granite as I can. Clean track
    and set up a train and hope everything runs without issues!! Or at least long
    enough to get me through next Saturday’s layout tour!!
    Will be available in person, or via Zoom, starting at 1PM Mountain time.
    Can send link, for Zoom meeting, for those set up and might be interested!
    Doug Gosha and BoxcabE50 like this.
  16. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Turned out, link for Zoom meeting that was supposed
    to be sent out early Friday, never was! But, virtual tour
    went on anyway! Finished doing some ballast work, and
    replacing a switch, right at Noon. Finished getting a train
    set up, just as fellow club member, also G Scale, stopped by.
    Train ran pretty good, for almost a 2 year absence in maintenance
    or operations!! Was pleased that things worked pretty well.
    Only wish I could have had more done!! Health issues prevented
    that from happening! Well, maybe next year!!
    Doug Gosha and HemiAdda2d like this.
  17. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Glad to hear the railroad is running again!
  18. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Had to shut down, for about an hour though!
    Sky decided to open up, about halfway through
    my display time! But, I stayed out for another 4 hours
    or so after that! Gonna try a couple of GP30’s pretty quick.
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  19. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    So when it began to rain, did you need to frantically race to get things safely indoors? I can't imagine that the motive power is waterproof?
    Doug Gosha likes this.
  20. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    No real frantic. Thankfully, I had a short train set up!
    Moved everything into the garage while it rained. If I
    didn’t want to get wet, I could have continued running.
    Water really should not bother locomotives much. Same with snow.
    I’m sure something could get in, through exhaust stacks, but rather
    unlikely I think. Wasn’t gonna take the chance. When you get a red
    storm cell moving in, you clear out! Never know if it’ll contain hail.
    And if it does, how big??
    Doug Gosha likes this.

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