T.H.E.R.R. Reborn!

mtntrainman Jul 9, 2012

  1. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    To "turn out" is sometimes used in farming, meaning to let animals out of the barn/yard (to pasture, etc.)

    Sometimes a small "night pasture" was used to turn out the dairy cow(s) for the night after evening milking, so they could be more easily gathered again for milking in the morning, before turning them out to a larger pasture to graze for the day.

    Such was the name of a small pasture on my grandparent's farm, once used for that purpose before they purchased it. My parents eventually built their home in "the night pasture" when they retired (the barn and such long since gone.) It was appropriately named for that too.

    "Turning out" an employee "to pasture" may also refer to giving a long-serving employee a lesser, easier job before/until they retire.

    Class over. Recess!!!
    Pfunk, BNSF FAN, Hardcoaler and 5 others like this.
  2. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    Okay, before he turnsout and takes a switch to us, maybe we should change the topic to something that won't annoy him, like getting steam locomotives regularly operating on his layout...:whistle:
    Pfunk, BNSF FAN, BarstowRick and 4 others like this.
  3. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    I lived that life before I went to college and became an Electrical Engineer. My grandfather ran a pretty good sized dairy farm and when we were there he put us to work tossing hay bales and moving the heard between the day pasture and the night pasture.

    Glad I have the free time for trains!
  4. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Take a switch to... Now that's funny. Good one DeaconKC.

    As to the subject at hand. Humm, which hand.

    How about those fine folk who don't know how to use a turnout while driving up to Big Bear Lake, Ca. Eye googling all the pine tress and mountain peaks and valleys. While the other locals behind them cuss them out, flashing their lights, hoping they'll get the hint and get out of the way. Pull into the Turnout, stupid. What this isn't a boardwalk.

    I did turnout the lights and go to bed the other night. Shortly after a cat decided it was his job to chase the girls. Now why would he want to do that. I grabbed a pillow, the long arm of the law around here and threw it at him, it turned-out they were chasing him. Sorry, big guy. Quit teasing them.

    Anyway, I have switch panels to install. I have to change the elevations in order to make this work. I should be talking about this on one of my threads. Don't you think?

    Keep railroading George.
    BNSF FAN, BoxcabE50, DeaconKC and 2 others like this.
  5. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    "Negative ghostrider the pattern is full"


    BoxcabE50, Pfunk, badlandnp and 8 others like this.
  6. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    I think a Navy train is sitting there just off the Main, ready for action!
    Pfunk, BarstowRick, badlandnp and 3 others like this.
  7. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    It's scheduled to go out at 12:10 PM. (y)(y):D
    Pfunk, badlandnp, DeaconKC and 2 others like this.

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Can you actually "buzz the tower" in geep?
  9. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Depends... Do geeps have jake brakes?!
  10. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

  11. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Haven't been out to the trains since last week.:( Been busy since wake up to bed time. Still have a bunch of doctors appointments the rest of the week.:censored:

    Did have a nice evening tonight. THE WIFE made us her awesome meatloaf for dinner. :cool::love:

    We sat down and watched "Top Gun" (the original) then we watched "Top Gun Maverick". THE WIFE hadn't seen the last one yet and she hasn't seen the first one...in like forever.

    Like I said...it was a great evening. :love:

    Maybe after doctors tomorrow I will see if I have time to get out and runs some trains ! :D:D:D
    in2tech, Sumner, badlandnp and 5 others like this.
  12. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    ummmm meatloaf now that sounds good. have not had that in a while....
    mtntrainman, badlandnp and BNSF FAN like this.
  13. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    A Top Gun doubleshot!! Way to go, Navy!
    BNSF FAN, DeaconKC and mtntrainman like this.
  14. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Or as my daughter used to say when she was 4 or 5 "Go Navy or Go Home!"

    Not sure where she got that.........:D
    Hardcoaler, badlandnp, Pfunk and 3 others like this.
  15. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Back from our trip to California to meet DCESharkman !
    More later...after my 'old man nap'!
  16. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Ok...so here is that update...lol:LOL:

    THE Wife and I usually do vacations about this time of the year. This year we hadn't come up with a 'destination' yet. I was talking with DCESharkman and he has a ton (literally) of those IM locomotives with 'frame rot'. I had expressed interest in getting some to 'tinker with' to see if I could successfully separate the shells from the swollen frames. Postage to ship them to me would have been astronomical !!!

    Well the wife and I decided a 'road trip' to visit my son in Round Mountain NV was on the wish list anyways. So we came up with a plan to get to Round Mountain and spend the night with my son and his wife and head out the next morning to go through Reno and into Northern California to meet David.(y)(y)

    David is a true "Officer and Gentleman". A nicer guy you will never meet !! We talked trains and cars. He took us to some great eating place in town. We went to the railroad museum and had a great time. THE WIFE and I really enjoyed the museum and of course the restaurants in town ! :D:D

    David brought by a box with some dead IM locomotives to our hotel room. I am stoked to getting working on them. He also brought a few boxes which had some Atlas DC locomotives he had duplicates of. They are DC/DCC ready. I may have to float a bank loan to get decoders for all of them LOL.:eek: My layout is DCC but has a DPDT switch so I can run them on the layout for now in DC Mode. :D:D:D:D:D:D

    I have now met 2 TB members and both are dear friends to us now. DCESharkman and BarstowRick are my kind of people. We share a lot of the same physical attributes and my wife says the 3 of us could be brothers or even TRIPLETS...LOL.(y)(y)(y)

    I will always cherish my memories of my trip to meet David. :):D I ain't getting any younger and in the grand scheme of things this may well have been my last vacation. The eyes are going south fast and driving may not be in my future for much longer...gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!:mad::censored::censored:

    Sumner, MK, in2tech and 9 others like this.
  17. BNSF FAN

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    That is very cool George! Sounds like you and the wife had a great trip, made a new friend, and gathered some treasures! (y)(y)(y)

    I've managed to meet 3 folks from TrainBoard and all 3 are great people. One I have been able to visit with several time and have developed a great friendship with. Can't ask for more than that.
    freddy_fo, badlandnp, sidney and 4 others like this.
  18. DCESharkman

    DCESharkman TrainBoard Member

    Yes George, his wife and I had a lot of fun!
  19. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    It's been a while but...

    Today I decided to break out a couple of T.H.E.R.R. 'Patched" DC locomotives and give them a spin on the layout.

    THERR is basically a DCC layout. With the flip of a DPDT switch I can run DC locomotives.

    These 2 locomotives are really close speed wise which made running them together smooth.

    ENJOY! :):):):)

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2023
    sidney, BNSF FAN, SP-Wolf and 9 others like this.
  20. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    Nice run there!
    BNSF FAN and mtntrainman like this.

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