Spiralcity N-Pire In Progress

KWE May 27, 2023

  1. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Right now, I can show you what I am working with. I think my idea will be fine, I am just not sure how big, larger truss bridges are. I can do the research. I have 3 sections I can easily add 3 arches to these sections to make them look like 3 bridges combined. I was thinking adding 1 arch across the entire expanse and make it appear to be one large truss bridges.

    gmorider and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Continued from last post:

    I did find some long non-arch type truss bridges and 1 longer bridge which is arched. I assume there would be more examples I could find if I took some time, but in 10 minutes I was able to find the pics below.




    BNSF FAN and Sumner like this.
  3. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Pics of what you have??

    Will there only be abutments/piers under the end of the three sections or under each?

    I'm assuming only the ends and then make an arch to cover the tops??

    In real life I'd expect the elements of the arch to go down to the roadbed and not to the tops of the sections, but maybe that is wrong. Kind of like the three bottom ones to the right and not a separate arch above the ones to the left and above.

    ( http://engineering-techniqes.blogspot.com/2013/03/types-of-bridg-e-bridge-is-not-merely.html )

    I'm probably not visualizing what you want .... which one of the pics you posted is the closest?

    KWE, gmorider and BNSF FAN like this.
  4. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I was thinking of something like the first picture of the bridges I posted above.

    Choosing from your list, It looks like F, and I are about the look I'm going for, at least close matches to the idea, probably leaning more towards I. I may just add bottom braces and ditch the upper brace look. I am kicking around the idea, not sure which way I may go. Thanks for the reply.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  5. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    That would be my favorite but it is your bridge.

    KWE and BNSF FAN like this.
  6. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    A bit of an update on a bit of progress: Left side of train board is currently being fit into place. I figured I had enough track to get the left side all lined up and in place, but nope. I ordered some flex track about 2 weeks ago and it still has not reached me. The track should get to me soon, but who knows. I also am working on a 3D print of a truss bridge. It's coming along, but in no way is it near done.


  7. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I'm looking for a bit of help folks. By chance would anyone have an stl file for the top section of a truss bridge, preferably sized for N scale? I have been working on mine for a few hours and I am not pleased with the top section, it looks generic.

    BNSF FAN likes this.
  8. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    I have one up on thingiverse and my site ....


    ... but don't see where it would be any better than what you have and probably wouldn't work without a lot of work on the files.

    I like what you have. What don't you like about it?

    BNSF FAN and country joe like this.
  9. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I understand that the top section is not what you’re going for and I’m not saying you should settle for what you have right now but it looks very good to me.
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  10. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, Sumners. I currently have an HO file with some nice, girded truss sections, unfortunately I cannot print it in N scale. I simply cannot get the file to cooperate.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  11. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    I think the main thing that it's off on your bridge right now is that the cross members at the top that would go straight across would tie in at the vertical uprights. There are none there now.

    BNSF FAN likes this.
  12. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I modified the file to get the sections lined up. I still think my cross sections look generic, but a bit better than my first go. So, I may be on the right path, but as for tonight, I am done.

    BNSF FAN and country joe like this.
  13. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Joe. The bridge is a work in progress. Eventually it will look like something.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  14. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    I think it looks better and yes most of these bridges are 'generic' in nature ;). I'd consider....


    .... adding in larger cross-braces at the tops of the verticals and most of the bridges have a different type of cross bracing on the ends.


    I added it on the ends but to get the size down in N scale those pieces and the "X's" at the top are fragile and easy to bend or break if made really small.

    I think what you have is the look that it sounded like you were going after and is a nice looking bridge and not as 'generic' looking as the one I did above.

    BNSF FAN, KWE and country joe like this.
  15. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I have seen some interesting, raised beams on the ends of cross sections, the styles seem to vary. I may look into this and see what I can do. I think I have the girders I will use on my bridge, as they have a little more detail. The section I have pictured I need to shorten by approximately .02, then all sections should align on center.

    country joe, Sumner and BNSF FAN like this.
  16. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    KWE, I agree with Sumner's suggested additions. Strong trusses are about triangles, because triangles inherently and efficiently resist forces that alter their shape, at least in-plane. Diagonal braces turn weak rectangles or parallelograms into two stronger triangles.

    An efficient truss balances tension and compression to rigidly maintain its shape under various loads.

    Many camelback trusses also have a cross member brace(s) between the sides at each bent (vertical structural cross-section), above the interior clearance required of the bridge (akin to the suggested additions at the tops of the ends, but for each vertical bent.) They are used to resist side-side wracking of the two main camelback trusses, from train cars swaying, crosswind loading, etc. For the taller, more central bents, these cross-braces would normally be simple X-types, with a horizontal, side-side member at bottom of each X.
    BNSF FAN and KWE like this.
  17. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Yes, Jake, that is exactly what the new braces accomplish, they are almost identical to what Sumner posted above, I just need to add the 2 sections of end bracing. Thanks for taking the time to look at the progress and offering the helpful tips.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  18. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    I guess I have the bridge just about figured out, I just need to reprint the top bracing to exact size, so everything falls on center, plus extend the top by 2 sections. My dilemma now is paint. My girder bridges are black same for my short truss bridges. Most of the photos I see of the Camel Back are silver or gray and usually fairly rusty. Would it be odd to paint the bridge black to match the scheme of my other bridges or should I go for the silver/grey look?
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  19. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Your layout, your color choice. There is no wrong answer here.

    If you arbitrarily painted the other two black, I'd prolly 'arbitrarily' paint this one black too.
    KWE, BNSF FAN and Sumner like this.
  20. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I agree with Andy, there’s no right answer. I’d paint it silver just because I like it.
    KWE and BNSF FAN like this.

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