Spaghetti & Western Layout Thread

BigJake Jun 24, 2023

  1. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Well, figured I'd finally make a layout thread for this mess...


    The layout format is a 36x80 HCD.

    I call the track plan a "folded dogbone + 8" plan, since the innermost tracks in the bend of the bone form one end of a figure 8 loop, with on-grade crossings to the other end. By simply throwing switches, the dogbone and figure 8 routes can be separated (though they cross each other at grade) or tied together sequentially for a thrice-around.

    This Unitrack N scale layout is already mocked up on a Hollow Core Door (HCD, 36x80") with viaducts and inclined piers for trackage that will eventually be on grades using WS 3% inclines.

    The layout will be constructed using foam insulation board on the HCD base. The base layer will be 2" thick, with successive layers in 1/2" thickness. WS 3% inclines will be trimmed in length to match the 1/2" steps in the foamboard sublayers.

    Dashed-line trackage, shown between brackets, ] [, represents a tunnel. Inclined on-grade trackage is shown in bold, and bridges & curved viaducts are shown shown w/guardrails. The arrangements of stub sidings in both ends are subject to change, and have often changed during prior development.

    The double crossover in bold at top implements reverse loops in either end.

    I haven't fully decided what industries I want, so the siding arrangements in either loop are by no means final. Part of me wants a grain elevator on that inner loop at right. and I also want a small intermodal operation, and perhaps a tank car-using industry (oil/fuel distributor or maybe a corn oil processor, as a companion to the grain elevator). My favorite freight car types are covered hoppers, tank cars, and intermodal, but I also have a lot of box cars, a few gons, and flat cars.

    Sit back and enjoy, or commence firing; all comments welcome!
  2. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    :LOL: I like that and I like the trackplan too with all of its operational alternatives. (y) I see two reverse loops, but as an Electrical Engineer (right?), you'll have no trouble there. Glad to see that your railroad's management is ready to break some ground.
    BarstowRick and BNSF FAN like this.
  3. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, Hardcoaler.

    Yes, I'm a retired Electrical Engineer.

    I'm pretty sure there's only one reverse loop (or shall we say, only one auto-reversing power district is required,) and it is enabled by the dbl-xover up top. Remove that dbl-xover, and there are no reverse loops. Yes, it creates two different paths to reversing direction, but both are contained within the dbl-xover up top. And you only need one auto-reversing power district (on one side of that upper dbl-xover, but it could be either side). For simplicity it will be on the loop end to the left of that upper dbl-xover.

    For simplicity, I think I'll gap the two outermost rails on that dbl-xover (at mid-span.) All the other rails through it are already gapped in the middle. Otherwise, while I could just use insulating unijoiners, the wiring would be more complex. The loop on the left end of that upper dbl-xover will be powered via an auto-reverser.

    Also, without that dbl-xover up top, I've never been able to run a train on this plan, in XtrackCAD, that reversed itself. That's not a definitive proof, but, shall we say, it's "supporting evidence."

    But I'd be super happy if you proved me wrong (it would save me a lot of grief later!)

    My grandmother used to have a plaque on the wall, on her side of the bed: "The opinions of the executive of this household are not necessarily those of the management."

    In my case, shall we say, "Executive and management have reached an agreement, and construction will commence forthwith."
    tonkphilip, Pfunk, badlandnp and 4 others like this.
  4. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    And here I though Barstow Rick had a 'Spaghetti Bowl'....wowsers !!!:eek::confused::whistle:
  5. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    I like the plan, Andy. There’s a lot of operating potential. What is the minimum mainline curve radius?
  6. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Big Jake is going to have to go some to beat my Preztled Folded Over Dog Bone. He's on the right track. Nothing but fun. Do I dare say the spice that makes life worth living.

    Way to go Big Jake.
  7. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    The layout is divided into three routes.
    The folded dogbone (mainline) itself has an Rmin of 12.375" (all eased by transitions to 13.75" radii.)
    The industrial figure 8 has an Rmin of 11" (all eased by transitions to 12.375" radii.)
    The inner siding in the right loop of the figure 8 has an Rmin of 9.75" (one transitions uneased to tangent track)
  8. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Andy.
    tonkphilip, BNSF FAN and BarstowRick like this.
  9. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Your stub ended yard does not have any escape ability. Otherwise, I like the plan. (y)
    tonkphilip, BNSF FAN, BigJake and 2 others like this.
  10. JMaurer1

    JMaurer1 TrainBoard Member

    Will everyone be wearing long trenchcoat style raincoats?
    tonkphilip, Pfunk, BNSF FAN and 4 others like this.
  11. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    ^ I can wear my black duster and cowboy hat!
    tonkphilip, Pfunk, BNSF FAN and 3 others like this.
  12. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Technically, an oilskin duster, concealing a pair of wheelguns on a canted cartridge belt, and topped off by a well worn, wide brim hat, canted toward a squinting eye, with a short stub of a cigar in the corner of the clinch-jawed mouth.

    Leverguns, sombreros, ponchos, and/or double-barreled scatterguns are optional.

    Oh, and a shovel, in lieu of weapons, is also optional.
    tonkphilip, Pfunk, BNSF FAN and 4 others like this.
  13. DeaconKC

    DeaconKC TrainBoard Member

    That sounds like my usual rig for Cowboy Action Shooting. A pair of .45 Schofields, an 1866 Uberti .45 Colt rifle and a CZ Hammer Shotgun. Leather supplied by Mernickle!
    tonkphilip, Pfunk, Kurt Moose and 4 others like this.
  14. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    As such, here's the posse, having ridden in to enforce rules on your minimum radius, maximum grade, feeders and reverse loop wiring.

  15. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Okay, I missed the picture and the message. NMRA Posse!!

    Looks like you are going to need me. Especially if those curves are to tight.

    However, for the event we are planning. I'm going to sport my old time mortician's gray and black stripped pants, white shirt and bow tie, a funny looking coat or vest and to top it all off a black top hat.

    Now where is my horse drawn hearse?

    I better find a preacher type dressed up appropriately to ride next to me. Then there's the old wooden casket and flowers.

    I think we have it covered.

    And yes I carry a derringer.

    Remember, "Wide curves are the best curves", I once exclaimed. On a train layout of course.

    Happy Railroading
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
    Mark Ricci, tonkphilip, Pfunk and 3 others like this.
  16. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Thank you for your critical eye!

    I plan to use the outer track, of the doubletrack loop around the left end, to serve as the A/D track, as well as a long yard switching lead.

    Through traffic can share the inner track with occasional locos running back and forth, around the cars on the A/D/Lead track.

    The two left end yard tracks are for locomotive parking/staging/light service, and a short switching lead for the yard.

    One of my ideas for some of the stub tracks inside that left loop is for a locomotive service shop, RIP track. etc.
    Mark Ricci, Gen, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  17. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Good thing my one of my heroes, "Preacher", AKA the Pale Rider, has ample experience dealing with that very Marshall and his gang!

    But the sweeping, curved grade is actually one of the arguments I've had with myself against the reversing double crossover: Once reversed (from ascending on the outer curve, to ascending on the inner curve around the right end) it can't reverse again without climbing back up the hill on the sharper, inner curve.

    So, the double crossover, and reverse-running, may not make it through to the final layout. With modern trains that I want to run, the train can be "reversed" by simply running the MU'd (tail-tail) locos around to the other end.

    On the other hand, I've used worse curves (even than the current inner curve) on the same grade, on a previous layout. Sure, it took more than a few engines to pull a reasonable length train up the grade, but that was also DC, and the locos were decidedly not speed matched!

    So I don't plan on running any tail-chasers up that grade.

    The overall minimum radius occurs only on level grade, on the Figure 8 section's inner siding.
  18. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    Andy, it looks like you can run the layout in an out and back manner. That way you only need one reverse loop.
  19. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    "Out and back" can imply turning a whole train, or just moving the locomotive(s) and the caboose to their respective opposite ends of the train. The latter only needs a run-around for MU'd, tail-tail diesels (the most common configuration for a very good reason), and not a reversing loop, wye, or turntable (another huge benefit of dieselization.) In the modern era (sans caboose), which I intend to run most often, it's even easier. Steam on this layout will likely be limited to excursion trains only, especially given no facilities for steam (like a turntable or wye)

    Honestly, I hadn't given a lot of thought to out and back. The upper level dogbone end could serve as unmodeled "points west" so to speak, even without the existing double crossover. This is why I may omit the reversing double crossover (at the top of the layout), and save the need for auto-reversing power, additional wiring, etc. It wouldn't really buy me all that much for the trouble. And, like I said earlier, I could add a track leading off-layout at top center, under a doubletrack through-truss bridge that could replace the double crossover.

    When a train is assembled to serve the right-end loop industries, it can use the run-around there to swap ends and pull the train back to the A/D track.

    When a train is assembled to serve the left-end loop industries, the locos would be added to the lower end of the A/D track, and simply pull out a ways, and back the train in to serve those industries (the doubletrack stub there my be an engine service facility.) When the train departs, it could continue all around the upper dogbone loop and return, or it could back the train the short distance onto the A/D track.

    Thanks for making me think about this and actually write some thoughts down!
    Mark Ricci, tonkphilip, Gen and 5 others like this.
  20. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    If I were to add some signals (working or not) to the layout, what would they look like, say, on the approaches to a double track single crossover, assuming ATSF/BNSF?

    Signal bridges, or masts for all four corners?

    What kind of aspect (if that's the right word)?

    I'm less interested in specific prototype (this is not a prototypical layout) than just an idea of what it could/would look like.

    Full disclosure: recent posts of a Showcase Miniatures signal mast, and a look at the signal bridge on their website, got me lusting, er, thinking.
    tonkphilip, Hardcoaler and DeaconKC like this.

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