People Like this Cart Narcs - Shaming People Who Don't Put Back Carts! - YouTube and those who do not take the time to Recognize Any Veteran! Tom
You do realize that A handicaped person isn't always able to use the provided spots close to the doors . Many people find it very painful to walk and will leave the cart wherever it is .
At the Festival and Kroger the cart racks are farther than the doors for the disabled spots. At least Wally put's them right at the bike rack. And there to far from were it's safe to drive, so I see a lot out there. The bus stop is even worse. Lots of disabled and elderly there and no seating either. Oh well. Life still interesting.
There are often two sides to every story. We need to also note that many places have signs inside the doors, right at the carts, which state they are NOT to leave the building. The reasons for this are simple. They not only become unavailable for the next actually needy person, but also they are electric. And leaving these outside in the weather destroys them. (Then people have the gall to complain no carts are available, "it's not working right", or "it's wet"....) BTW- I am handicapped. And also experienced from both aspects of this discussion. A very busy store can require hours daily of one or more people chasing both push and riding carts. (Instead of being inside stocking shelves, while those same people who cause the problems outside complain about "where is it, it's not on the shelf....") Which if a patron finds it irritating to walk a very short distance and to place in their cart proper return rack, it is miserable as **** for the cart pushers who spend hours out there in blistering sun, rain, wind and freezing conditions, just to make thoughtless, lazy bums happy. Try it some time, at near zero degrees, in wind chills of minus twenty, pushing a batch of those back in to the store in snow and on ice. Yes. There are mules, but they need frequent charging and staff cannot sit, waiting on them to re-charge. It forces them to do the work manually. Then there are the STUPID children let loose upon this world, who joy ride handicapped carts around stores, thinking it is all a joke. Then abandon the cart in the back end of the store, take it outdoors, or generally cause discomfort to the other shoppers and staff. Their dimwitted parents are a disgrace to all of society. Been there. Done that work. The general public is all too often selfish, self-centered and has ridiculous expectations, derived from simply weird conceptions.
ALL , Here is youtube vid. Milwaukee Roads world's Largest Steam Locomotive In The World!!! Tall Tail Or Not Ep7 - YouTube which may Perturb any A.T. & S.F RR Model Railroader. The presenter this video states it is the Milwaukee Road. Tom
A grocery store (Aldi's) in these parts has adopted a solution to the cart problem. You pay a quarter to unlock your cart from all then others then when you are done shopping you bring your cart back and hook it up to all the other carts and in the process, you get your quarter back. Works very well too.
Don't know what might stick in my craw, but I sure know what really burns my backside.....a flame about three feet high.
Plastic wheelsets on new freight cars that cost $30+. I'm like, "Bruuuuuuh." Yes, Jacksonville Terminal Co, I'm looking at you. I'm also upset that MTL doesn't have all their couplers available in brown versions, but that's just me. I see a lot of "Bright copper coupler trip pins" comments - which I agree with - here. But I do remember that older MTL couplers came with them pre-blackened. When and why did the change come about?
Oops, almost forgot - Micro-Engineering making only one kind of Code 55 turnout (#6)...You had every opportunity to dominate the market and you blew it.
These trip pins are causing way too much upset. I'm off to the train station tonight with 50 cans of copper coloured spray paint and some simple instructions to hand out to the "kids".
What gets into my craw? Makes me want to scream Morons!! Well this may be more about me then anything else. So here goes. Hmmm. This isn't Cattle Car. I hope the following is okay to say here. Being real. It's never having the right supplies at the right time to do the right project and advance my N Scale layout in a timely manner. Repairs, repairs, and more repairs. On going restoration project. I'm stuck with a set income and unlike others with apt finances. My financial department doesn't cover the fun things in life, just the essential things and that would be barely. All thanks to a certain group of authoritative luuney tun-s who tend to reside on the east coast in positions of authority. For the last three and a half years. Just how stupid do they think we are? I'm tired of being told not too believe my eyes or look at what's coming out of my bank account. If you get my drift. One wonders how this all happened but that's another story for another time and place. I want to buy those envied MTL wheelsets and pre-assembled pocket couplers #1015 to be specific. To install on my freight cars. I want to change up the track, I need to replace with Code 55. But that isn't going to happen. Not anytime soon. How about that new Broadway AT&SF 4-8-4 Northern with the proper tender behind. At over $300.00. Gulp, say what? How much? It better be solid brass or gold plated. Yes, that will be a problem to acquire. On the flip side. Hey, hey, hey we now have a none Bmann 4-8-4 to consider. That's going to look good on my layout. Someone heard us. The price, the price!! Then I hear from friends who want to help me out. Thanks guys and gals to those who followed through. You ought to see a certain SP train that showed up. How about the Optimizer, that helps me see those fine wires. Although I get a headache after wearing it for a while. Still, well done!! Shout out of Thanks. Your help is appreciated. Then there are those...where I never see that coveted package arrive, on my property. Running to the door every day to see if a package arrived. Maybe someone else's property, do you think? Oh, sorry I was thinking miracle. Don't get your hopes up. That doesn't seem to be on the table, these days. Harrumph, harrumph, harrumph X 200 = infinity !!! That's what get's into my craw. I will stop there.
How about spending twenty minutes looking for your Optivisor before you realize the reason you cannot find it is because it is on your head!
Or moving, and packing up all my train stuff into boxes, but not doing a great job of labelling them (e.g. "train stuff"). And some leftover train stuff ended up in other boxes not labelled as trains at all. Still digging out of that mess, but at least I think I'm getting close to the last one. I need to go buy another one of those plastic three-drawer stacks though. And then, in a new room with different/additional furniture, uses, and everything else, figuring out where to put stuff, followed by figuring out where the heck I did put it, or even whether I did find it, or whether it's still MIA... well let's just say progress is slowww. And I don't have a fraction of what some of you all have for your trains! Although I am shocked at just how much Unitrack I actually have (more than could possibly fit on a HCD, and I know how to cram a LOT of track on a HCD!) Hint: "Spaghetti & Western"!