Rob, Well now doesn't that just look fantastic! I say you nailed it! (sorry, um glued it!) An insanely intricate sanatorium. Scott
Beautiful, well designed and executed. CI/CD applied to model making. Bravo! I suppose now you will turn your attention to the boardwalk?
This is a work of art; stunning! Robert, what is the thickness of the Polybak that make up the walls? -Tiest Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Actually, I am starting on the RIGHT HALF of this hotel, it's not finished yet. The hotel is going to span 2 TTZ end modules, so I decided to make the hotel in 2 pieces. I want to use an ATtiny88 microcontroller on each half, but there are only 18 usable digital outputs for room lights when I put a stepper motor in for ceiling fans. So by breaking the structure in 2, each half will get it's own ATtiny88, and more room lights will be randomly going on and off. And the structure would not have to span 2 modules, rather, they have 6mm supermagnets in the walls to snap the structure halves together to help hide the splice lines. Easy to build properly aligned with a laser cut model drawn in Corel. Here is the half I am starting on next: This is all I have drawn do far, but on the left wall you can see the supermagnet holes. They match supermagnets in the right side wall of the first half of the hotel: And here is an overview of the modules, showing the left module hotel placement. I also have to assemble some etched metal bandstand gazebo for the front left of the scene, and scratchbuild a croquet game scene, then on the right module there will be sheep in grazing pens. I am packing a lot in a small space, but I really want to represent the scene as best as I can in a super small T-Trak-Z scene.
I am using .025" Polybak, but I sand it down smooth on both sides before cutting, so it's only .022" thick. By sanding it with 220 grit random orbital sander, both the wood glue I use as well as the paint sticks very well. I always sand all the Basswood, Plywood and Polybak materials I use before they get to the laser.
Thank you! Test fitting the 22 depot and having issues fitting the tabs I added to the walls into the corresponding slots of the basswood base plate. Any suggestions or gotchas? Will share pictures over the weekend on my progression. Note: it pales in comparison to your quality and speed. -Tiest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tabs must be as deep as the material it joins with and slots as wide as the thickness of the tab that fits in it.
It was my measurements that were slightly off... Here a quick floor/wall test before I would continue with the depot details. -Tiest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Outstanding Robert! But that wiring looks like a nightmare to me! I guess if you work a lot on things like this all the time it's just easy!
Another very impressive Structure! It's really eye popping to look at so many details at that scale! Another prize winner!!
Been fighting a bad cold that I was infected with by grandchildren on Christmas, same story as the past 6 years on the dot! These kids are ALWAYS carrying something that infects me on Thanksgiving or Christmas, and this year's Flu, Covid, and RSV shots DO NOT protect from the common cold. Stayed in bed all day Sunday and Monday, taking a barrage of Zinc, C, Green Tea w/Honey, Dayquil and Nyquil, and I emerged from my congestion cocoon this morning. So today I heated the garage to 70, and turned on the under desk electric heater for my feet, and got back to work. I finally finished the drawings for the floors and walls, and cut the parts. There is always a tab or slot that don't line up so that is the step I am at now, first rev parts fittings. There is not much to the front of this side of the structure, but it has lots of rooms and all of them need compartmentalized lighting. This one is another complex roof which will take me a bit of time, but I will do that last since there is only one dormer needed on the right side: Here are all the parts cut out: And here is the postcard again for reference:
Robert, Glad you feel better and yes... these kiddos can be really hazardous. I know, got a 12 and a 9 year old. Your design look awesome and looking forward to the construction. My little #22 depot is taking shape, still designing and test fitting the pieces. Out of curiosity, what is the measurement of your tabs and slots you use? Thanks for everything you taught me this year! Wishing you a great new year and looking forward to your continued posts here. Talk soon! -Tiest Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since this is the .025" Polybak sanded to .022", all the tabs and slots are .022" x .1", and are strategically placed where they will not show, being covered by peel & stick trim if visible.
This years flu shots are only good for what they could produce after the 2023 season. In 2025, you will be able to get one which (supposedly) will minimize anything 2024 and earlier.
Looking great! This is going to be a eye catcher on your end modules! Always fun to see what you come up with! Get well Robert!
I feel for you, Buddy. The grandkids have never infected me, but my boys sure did while they were still in school.