Gabriel Jul 12, 2006

  1. OC Engineer JD

    OC Engineer JD Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Railroads continually hire, so don't get discouraged!
  2. Hytec

    Hytec TrainBoard Member

    Sorry to hear, but possibly for the best. My wife would say that whoever "up there" is looking out for your welfare knew the job wasn't right for you at this time. But when the time is right, it will easily fall into place.
  3. Thirdrail

    Thirdrail In Memoriam

    HR types and "foamers".

    Hope you did not volunteer to the HR person that you were a railfan! While there are a surprising number of railfans in the ranks of the industry, they aren't in the Personnel Department. HR types often feel what they call "foamers" are not safe workers because they assume they know more than they actually do about railroad safety. They may be right. :embarassed:

    A railroad is a very dangerous place. :eek:mg:
  4. Gabriel

    Gabriel TrainBoard Member

    No, didn't tell them that. They ask me about on the job injuries and I had to explain that I was injured on the job once (burned in a house fire) but that it wasnt b/c a safety violation or anything, so, I really have no idea what did it against me. I know he didnt like that I had a bunch of apps in for train service and was trying to get into signal.
  5. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Sorry to hear this news. But I believe they lost out. By passing over an enthusiastic person, who really wanted to work for them. Somebody else out there, will recognize a potential asset, and hire you!


    Boxcab E50
  6. Gabriel

    Gabriel TrainBoard Member

    Well, I turned around and applied with BNSF this morning for the same type of position. At least this one is here in MO.
  7. CB&Q Fan

    CB&Q Fan TrainBoard Member

    Sorry to hear of you disappointment. However, if you have the persons name and phone number, call and ask him/her what they saw as unfavorable. Having been on both ends of the process, companies I have dealt with will tell you. That way, you can correct the issue if it's legitimate and needs fixing. Could be a base knowledge issue. Who know unless you ask. Hope things work out in the future.
  8. Charlie

    Charlie TrainBoard Member

    I can understand your quandary over what caused the HR wonk to
    "deep six" your application.

    I have told this story before, but here it is again...

    A number of years ago when I was a travel agent, I applied to AMTRAK
    for a part-time reservation agents job. I was acting on advice from a friend on the "inside" at AMTRAK who told me to do whatever it took to
    get a job at AMTRAK and then work at getting into train service. At any
    rate, I made it to the interview stage. I was interviewed by a 3 person
    panel,2 women and 1 man and it was inter-racial.
    Now mind you, I was already a successful,employed travel agent.
    One of the women asked me "what makes you think you can perform this job?" I guess I looked at her incredulously and I blurted out"because
    I'm already doing it!" Well I never did get that job but I think it was for
    reasons other than my answers at the interview, but I don't want to
    go any further than that.
    A few years later the BNSF felt that I was competent enough to operate their trains and the rest is history.

  9. Gabriel

    Gabriel TrainBoard Member

    I know one thing thats probably killing me is my work history, in between school and moving around, its as spotty as swiss cheese.

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