Italian HO scale modular layout - WIP

minesweeper Feb 27, 2018

  1. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Long time with no updates, but I had been wiring and almost finished the secondo module, however I had to redesign the whole concept and ended up with a major redesign for module 3 on the south side. Originally this was to be a corner module, but now it will be a linear one.
    So I am evaluating some options on how to get scenery where previously it was to be a corner shaped tunnel.
    The mainline (1st from top)will go out on the left through the backdrop with a view block that will not be a tunnel. The pine trees are an idea of the view block.
    I have tried some options, in the three sketches below.
    Bear in mind that the areas A (beyond the mainline) and B (foreground left) are completely independent therefore I can mix the options from the different sketches.
    All sketches so far have a car loading ramp to track number 5 (the first from bottom)

    SKETCH 1
    A start of mainline, a small raised area with bushes and small trees.
    B a building (like the town continues beyond towards the left) and a road that terminates before the tracks. (It may hint to a dismissed level crossing then in Area A there will be the continuation of the road).
    opzione 1.jpg

    Sketch 2
    A the platform fuses into a road, with backdrop houses.
    B bushes, trees and gravel
    opzione 2.jpg
    Sketch 3
    B Bus stop apron with walkway to platforms.

    Any hint, new idea, suggestion or comment is very well welcome.
    opzione 3.jpg
    I am not really good at drawing, but the tracks will give an idea of the dimensions. (the module is 50cm deep)
    Thank you all.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  2. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Short update, decide the configuration with houses on both sides, but raised as to look like a typical village of the area.
    Will look something like this one.
    By the time, I had prepared the freight and passenger platforms.

    Some more foam carving and wood cutting is expected in the next few weeks.
    Hardcoaler and gmorider like this.
  3. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Hi folks,
    carving and some weathering done.
    plastcio 1.jpg

    a closer look at the weathering (some of the brownish color is due to the lighting / shade of other elements). There is some brown wash to reproduce rust, but not to the extent shown in the pictures.

    plastcio 2.jpg

    The reduced height bumper (that for frontal loading of cars)


    and a detail of the track scale

    plastci o3.jpg
    Hardcoaler, drbnc and gmorider like this.
  4. VinceP

    VinceP TrainBoard Member

    Looks great
    minesweeper likes this.
  5. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    It looks good.

    I was looking at your photos. It suddenly dawned on me that european layouts all have more passenger platforms than US layouts. There is just so much need because of all the passenger trains you will want to have. It's the exact opposite of what you see on american layouts where the focus is freight trains.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  6. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Very true Geek,
    the timetable I was developing gives an average of a passenger train every one hour in each direction (basically it is three trainsets going back and forth) for the mainline, and something less for the branch lines.
    Just for context, a similar line in a heavy touristic area in northern Italy (Val Pusteria) has been upgraded kind of 10 years ago to achieve a 30 minutes interval between trains on a SINGLE TRACK mainline. This helped relieve quite a lot of traffic congestion in the area and they went as far as getting a stop right into a huge cableway for skiers, enabling skiers to avoid using cars altogether (train travel is included in the skipass fee). That also meant NO freight trains as the line is full at least during the 05am to 11pm timeframe.
    Back to my layout, there is still room for a couple daily of freight peddlers in each direction to enable some switching; and I am also planning a night Truck over flatcar through service, when the line is basically deserted to add some action and some "different stock".
  7. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Hi, some work going on but not too much to show.
    Here part of the overpass I am building (below is the redutex I will use for the retaining walls).

    And then a panoramic view from module 1, the one I am working is on the back.
    The modules are not joined together as you can see, as I have to do some back and forth still.
    long view.jpg
    fordy744, BoxcabE50 and Hardcoaler like this.
  8. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Some work here and there, the most noticeable is the track scale that is now complete.
    pesa finale.jpg
    BoxcabE50, drbnc, fordy744 and 3 others like this.
  9. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Experimenting the row of houses on the back.
    Starting from 1/10 in of balsa wood inspired by some "virtual site survey" on google street view.
    Below an example

    So i came out with the first three (just in the preliminary stage, most windows just put in place for testing, missing most weathering and finishing).

    Number one, the easiest (redutex, and some window liners i got from the scrap box). This one gets very close to the ones in the picture.

    The second one, really a test of some structural paste i got in a craft store closeby.
    This should look like houses finished on the outside with coarse mortar, not really like the one in the pictures, but present in the same town.
    It is going to look as dark as the ones in the pictures...

    The last is the result of an idea that came out when i first gave the base paint and had to use some water based filler paste.
    So after finishing sanding I gave another layer (almost a wash) of grey, and put on a light wash of filler.....
    This should give the effect of a faded exterior paint, something like the house on the left in the picture (that is white, mine is grey...).
    The section below is to give variety and will be painted dark grey. IMG_7013.jpeg

    As this is really just the beginning and in some instances an experiment, I encourage all members to comment, so that I can get better.
  10. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    some progress during the holiday period, most in getting parts done, the row of houses is almost finished, the ramp and all the rest is still in initial assembly and preparation.
    casette rampa.jpg
    BoxcabE50, traingeekboy and gmorider like this.
  11. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    I actually will rearrange the row of houses by swapping the two on the left, and make the leftmost one in the picture 1cm lower.
    traingeekboy likes this.
  12. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    I did rearrange the houses and made some little progress on other details.
    casette rampa.jpg

    This is the first layer on the last house for the row (should be kind of belonging to a "better off" family). I mixed tile grout to acrylic paint in order to get the rough texure (not rough as the first one though).
    The windows trims are made with cardboard (will put another layer later).
    casa padronale.jpg

    and this is the "terminal" side, with a little stairway to imply a pedestrian connection to the town.

    Up there I will put a relatively more modern single story house, to suggest the village expanded to the other side of the tracks in a different time frame.
    fordy744, traingeekboy and BoxcabE50 like this.
  13. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    Good work. Bit by bit the layout is taking form.
  14. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Geeky, it has to, during the summer I will move back to Italy and construction will pause for months.
    BNSF FAN and traingeekboy like this.
  15. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Little progress (and two mistakes I will have to correct)

    I have finished the small walking stairs to the southern area of the station. sclaletta.jpg

    The ramp is also progressing

    rampa 2.jpg

    and, finally can at least put the bridge on.... for a test

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    Hardcoaler, fordy744 and BNSF FAN like this.
  16. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    The row of houses is (at least structure wise) done.
    Will put a self made roombox on the house on the left to simulate a nobleman's party salon with lights and people, just to have an eyecatcher during night.
    casette ramp2.jpg
  17. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    Those look good.

    I like the little bridge over the track a lot too. It has that effect of making it feel like the railway continues on the other side.
  18. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Geeky, the line will in fact go to the other module through the trench and the bridge, I put the bridge because it looks more natural than a tunnel and covers the transition anyway.
    traingeekboy likes this.
  19. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Some "invisible" work on detailing the buildings.
    Below the home made "roomette" for the salon in the nobleman's palace.

    It has a LED strip with 6 points and I will put some 1/100 people inside.
  20. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    That looks really good. A bit of forced perspective wit the 1/100 people?

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