I am sorry to hear that we have lost another dear friend that shared our interests. He always had common sense advice to offer with a spark of humor. We miss him.
I did not know Wayne Wilson, but from reading all these replies I know that he was well liked and will be very much missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.
I never met him in person, but like others have said, his advice was always insightful, both on trains and life. You will be missed.
The last day Wayne posted was on Feb. 20th. I just loved the response he put on the M&ET 608 thread on that last post day.... I want to repeat it here: "I just ordered a set of "Rail-Riders" for my Wheelchair, so I'll be along to inspect operations pretty soon." Just glad he enjoyed it, as we enjoyed his company, and if that doesn't describe a positive attitude to a difficult situation, I don't know what did. I suspect that's a model, and I don't mean train. Come ahead, the main is clear.
My thoughts and prayers are with Watash's family tonight! May god comfort you all in this time of grief. We at Trainboard will miss him greatly. God Bless you all! Mike Bickle.
I knew Wayne quite well through Trainboard, private messages, and phone conversations. I've communicated privately to Jan some of the special things he did for me. He was always a calming, wise and humorous soul when I was going through some very difficult times with one of my daughters. His wit often dissolved my worries into gales of laughter, which I needed at the time.
I am truely sorry to hear of Waynes passing. He was one of the best and wisest folks in my N Scale life. Watash, you are truely missed. I hope to catch you on the flip side. Bob
Sorry to hear Wayne's passing . I hope he is smiling down on us and playing with his trains in heaven.
I am so sorry to hear about Wayne's passing. I had the opportunity to communicate with him through Trainboard a few years ago, and enjoyed reading all of his comments. He will be dearly missed. My prayers are with all his family and friends. Pat
I only just found this thread, and am deeply saddened to hear of Wayne's passing. He and I have been on TB from the beginning and have had several communications during that time. He had a phenomenal amount of knowledge backed up by great engineering/modelling skills and the ability to pass on his knowledge. He will be greatly missed by all who came into contact with him, in life or on this forum. His quirky sense of humour will be remembered, I am sure. Rest in peace Wayne. My condolencies to Jan and the Wilson family.
A dear railroader is gone, Sadness hovers o'r this thread, A special friend, a man of answers, Every post has said. We salute you in memory, and know we'll miss you much. Wayne, we wish you Godspeed, But we know in heaven there's trains and layouts and such!