We are seeing people bringing politics into conversations here on TrainBoard, both overtly and some which are sliding theirs in less obviously, yet deliberately. A reminder that no matter where you are on this site, politics, excepting within a railroad historical context, are strictly prohibited. Reference: https://www.trainboard.com/highball/index.php?threads/rules-for-posting.104938/ Let us please keep TrainBoard a peaceful refuge from the pressures of life outside of our hobby. Thank you. BoxcabE50 Administrator
Will do. However, I am working on an unofficial straw poll regarding support for reinstating the CB&Q railroad. I expect to be under the wire for at least a short time. After that, local, state and federal leaders may need to be engaged for this project to come into fruition. Also, forum members currently enjoy contemporary railroads and may be reluctant to support a perceived threat. They will have be informed that the resulting benefits outweigh their concerns. I hope you will give this concept due consideration.