ZGV – Z-Train à Grande Vitesse

SmolderZ Jan 6, 2006

  1. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    I just had a wild daydream - Wouldn’t it be great to have the French high speed trains in Z-scale? I personally think these are perfect candidates for the Z-scale market. They belong on long straight tracks and broad curves and you need a lot of space for this if your running them in HO or N, that's why I think Z-scale is the answer.

    Here is a small introduction to the most common French high speed trains.


    The TGV-Atlantique is designed for TGV-service a crosse the LGV-Atlantique towards Le Mans en Tours en further to the Southwest of France. With the introduction of the TGV-Atlantique the maximum speed of 300km/h (~190mp/h) was achieved in commercial service. A TGV-Atlantique consist out of 2 engines and 10 passenger cars and is 238 meters long. (108cm in Z-scale)



    To increase the capacity of the very busy TGV lines like the LGV-SE between Paris and Lyon they introduced the TGV-Duplex. It consists out of 2 engines and 8 passenger cars. With this configuration it has 45% more passenger capacity then a normal 1-deck TGV. They usually couple 2 duplex trains together to create over a thousand passenger seats!


    Thalys - PBKA


    For the TGV-traffic from Paris to Amsterdam and Keulen they created these PBKA trains (Parijs, Brussel, Keulen/Amsterdam) The engine cars are exactly the same as the ones of the TGV-duplex.




    The Eurostar is designed for the Euro tunnel from England to Europe and is one of the most complex TGV’s. The aerodynamic form of the engine cars is specially designed for the Euro Tunnel. A Eurostar is fully symmetrical with 2 engines and 9 passenger cars and is 394 meters long. (179 cm in Z-scale)


    There are TGV’s (Ligne du Coeur) running all the way toward Switzerland, maybe these are a nice expension for the Swiss Z Line? I would love to see all these trains available in Z-scale and they would fit any European style layout. What would Hans Riddervold say?

    For more info on the TGV visit:

    See them in action at 300km/h!:
    Quicktime Movie

    [ January 06, 2006, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: SmolderZ ]
  2. rray

    rray Staff Member

    If someone makes them, I like the color of the TGV Duplex, but would like the Thalys - PBKA, because it has a cool sleek arrowhead style. And Amsterdam is always a favorite destination too! [​IMG]

    -Robert [​IMG]
  3. ztrack

    ztrack TrainBoard Supporter Advertiser

    These are awesome trains. I will not kid you. SZL has considered it. They are looking to branch out and release prototypes for out countries. I also wouldn't mind seeing Märklin offer the sets. They would also do a good job with them.

    Rob Kluz
  4. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    REALLY? oh my! [​IMG]

    I also wouldn't mind seeing Märklin offer the sets, but I wouldn't count on them. If you look at there HO line you see that they do release all types of ICE's but that's it. No TGV of some sort. I have the feeling they really focus on german rolling stock, especially in Z-scale.

    For the Z line they released the ICE-V and ICE 3, and I'm affraid it will stay like that for a looong time. I would prefer SZL because of the stonger and quiet motors used in there line. I don't see a Märklin 5-pole engine pull a TGV-Duplex at 300 scale km/h that easy...
  5. henrikH

    henrikH TrainBoard Member

    märklin will NEWER! do it! they are too patriotic, they will stick to the ICE

    [ January 08, 2006, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: henrikH ]
  6. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    I'm afraid your right henrikH

    The Thalys would look nice on your European layout Rob ;)

    What about modules based on the Z-Bend's which would be solely for high speed z-trains? This could become a hit in The Netherlands and France. ;)

    Daydreaming is nice :D
  7. SmolderZ

    SmolderZ TrainBoard Member

    I found a video page [​IMG]


    You'll find some Eurostar and Thalys video's. I can't get enough of that "woosh-woosh-woosh-woosh-woosh" sound when it passes by :D
    I own the Eurostar in N-Scale from Kato, 16 cars long! It makes exactly that sound when it passes. Who wants to see pics? The coupler systems are so simple, deffinetly worth a watch for SZL ;)
  8. Don Rickle

    Don Rickle TrainBoard Supporter

    Great thread! If they made them I'd be a Z scaler for sure. [​IMG]

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