Wiring Issue

brokenpole Oct 27, 2012

  1. brokenpole

    brokenpole TrainBoard Member

    My grandson and I are putting together an n gauge layout. There are two independent loops where two trains can run independently (I have a MRC dual control - DC).

    I also have the loops connected with turnouts. There is also a spur line coming of one of the loops.

    I set this whole thing up with the inner most rail being common throughout the layout. I got that idea from atlas from the back of tha package from one of those atlas power transfer slide switches.

    I am using atlas schedule 80 track and have each loop powered at each end of the loop.

    The blue dots on the attached drawing show where I have the common rail isolated.

    Either the slide switches from atlas ain't worth a flip or I got this wiring all messed up.

    I hate to have to pull up track but that might just be the answer.

    Any help from you savey folks?

    I do also hate to say that I was an electronics technician in the navy 30 years ago. Been so long I don't remember a thing...apparently.

    Attached Files:

  2. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    Wiring messed up.... Should not have gaps in common rail, need gaps in other rail. Probably eaisest to just switch the wires on the Atlas switches....I Think.....Mike
  3. Eagle2

    Eagle2 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Not being any kind of electircal whiz, I'll try just some general advice...I know there's a type of switch that allows you to select A, B or off. If you used these (check Radio Shack, probably) you could set up individual sections of the track and choose which controller to use for each section in turn, with the option of just shutting down each section when not in use. I know this is missing a lot of detail, but hopefully the more knowledgable here can expand or perhaps it'll get the electrons firing for you!
  4. mavrick0

    mavrick0 TrainBoard Member

    Easiest way to describe the problem is you should've isolated the rails that the Atlas selector switches are on not the common rail. What is happening is when you have one switched to A and the other to B they are fighting each other. Try putting all the switches on A or B and see if things run.
  5. jagged ben

    jagged ben TrainBoard Member

    Which Atlas switches are you using? (Got a picture?)
  6. jagged ben

    jagged ben TrainBoard Member

    Not to worry... there are a lot of folks who understand quite a bit about electricity who get confused by common rail wiring?
  7. brokenpole

    brokenpole TrainBoard Member

    I was thinking about that last night, Mike. When I got home form church I tried your simple suggestion. Everything is working like a champ now.

    Time to wire all of the turnouts and see if I can screw that up.

    I wonder what the over-and-under would be on that one in Vegas...:cute:

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