Weathering Atlas Code 55 turnouts

SleeperN06 Jun 26, 2010

  1. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    I’m getting ready to place an order for some stuff I need for my layout and I’m trying to decide if I should buy some ME Rail Weathering solution.

    Weathering marking pens were recommended and I ordered them, but I haven’t tried it yet.

    That video on YouTube using ME Rail Weathering solution sure makes it look easy at least on Flex track, but I don’t relay know what to do about the turnouts.

    Anyway I have a lot of turnouts to do and I want to be sure so I want to ask again if anybody has used ME Rail Weathering solution and how well it works.
  2. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    I don't have any experience with the ME weathering solution. I believe it is a weak acid that some folks have had problems with long term. I've used the preweathered ME track with good success, but prefer the Atlas code 55.

    I've transitioned to using NeoLube to darken all rails. Unlike paint or other alternatives, the NeoLube is conductive so it won't impair performance. I have three modules in my shelf layout with Neolube that have been in operation for up to five years (maybe more) and despite repeated cleanings the Neolube seems to stay put very well. I will soon be adding a module with Atlas code 55 turnouts, but don't have any in operation currently. I think the Neolube will be ideal for turnouts due to its lubricating and conductive properties.
  3. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, I’ve never heard of NeoLube before and I’m going to search for it now.
    I went ahead and ordered the ME solution a few minutes ago, but whether I use it or not is another story.
  4. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

  5. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    Ok, now that I see it on the wheels, I do remember a discussion about this stuff a while back. I just so focused on track I didn’t look anywhere else.
    Thanks :thumbs_up:
  6. nscalerone

    nscalerone TrainBoard Member

    Just ordered (2) jars of "Neolube" from "PBL", service was great.....price was right.
  7. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    Wow, I finally found the online catalog and I’m still trying to figure out where the neolube is.

    I got to say that’s the hardest site I’ve ever been on to maneuver around in. I think I‘m just going to order from Micro-Mark.:prolleyes:
  8. MichaelWinicki

    MichaelWinicki TrainBoard Member

    I love me some weathering pens!

    But not the rail/tie colors.

    I tried those and wasn't satisfied with the colors. The "Rust" is really funky looking. To me it just doesn't look right.

    The "Rail Brown", doesn't make the rail dark enough in my opinion.

    Around here in the north east, the rails usually end up a dark gray.

    Sooooo, taking that into consideration I purchased a set of the weathering markers for buildings... And the "Grimy Black" looks terrific when applied to the sides of the rail.

    I used both the blackening agent and the "Grimy Black" weathering marker on the my turnouts, with good success...


    Painting the guard rails along with the wings of the frog makes for a far better looking turnout in my opinion.
  9. Metro Red Line

    Metro Red Line TrainBoard Member

    You know the plastic blister packaging that comes with the Atlas turnout? Save it, remove all the paper from the edges, and pour your ME weathering solution in it to make a pool. Then place the turnout face-down for about 30 seconds to blacken. This way you waste very little solution.
  10. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    Sounds like you’re talking about the set I just bought. I got these markers from Amazon. Someone else said they didn’t work well for C55 track so I haven’t used them.

    I can’t remember at the moment how many turnouts I got, but it’s at least 40 which I not looking forward to weathering. It would be nice if I could just dump them all in a bucket of solution and be done. I probably will do the flex track in the ME solution and just do a couple of turnouts each week with NeoLube until I’m done.

    I’m just worried about the turnouts matching the flex track.
  11. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    Oh really, that’s interesting. One of the questions I had before was "will the etching solution destroy my points"? No one really addressed that and only recomended other options.
  12. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    I've been happy with the blackeners I bought many years ago. I found it took a lot of coats and some patience between coats, but no etching at all.
  13. MichaelWinicki

    MichaelWinicki TrainBoard Member

    Those be the ones...

    Yeah, the rail colors didn't work well for me. The "Grimy Black" from the building colors was exceptionally good.

    And it works well on Atlas code 55.
  14. Fotheringill

    Fotheringill TrainBoard Member

    THAT is one grade A suggestion. I never imagined there was a good use for that thing.
  15. SleeperN06

    SleeperN06 TrainBoard Member

    I did end up doing that very thing because I had made a mistake and put in a #5 instead of a #7. So I used the plastic from the package to weather the replacement turnout. It worked out great because I spilled most of my weathering solution and barely had enough to cover the turnout so I flipped it upside down so that only the rails were covered. I thought I had a photo of the turnout, but I can't find it.

    I didn’t use it for the initial weathering because I had so much to do it would have taken a long time. So I made a reservoir using plastic poly sheeting and long wood dowels. When I was done I would pull the front piece out and drain it into a large mouth plastic container. The wood dowels and plastic worked out very well because I could adjust the size for different pieces.


    Luckily I didn’t have my spill until the very end when I did it outside, I had used a long stick to dam up my spillway and the dang dog took off with the stick before I could get the plastic container under it. It had been cold prior to this and I was doing it inside the house, so as soon as it warmed up the wife kicked me outside. I can only imagine what would have happened if it had spilled inside the house. Instead of chasing the dog around the yard after the stick, I’d be bunking with him. :eek::D
  16. Fotheringill

    Fotheringill TrainBoard Member

    "...Luckily I didn’t have my spill until the very end when I did it outside, I had used a long stick to dam up my spillway and the dang dog took off with the stick before I could get the plastic container under it. It had been cold prior to this and I was doing it inside the house, so as soon as it warmed up the wife kicked me outside. I can only imagine what would have happened if it had spilled inside the house. Instead of chasing the dog around the yard after the stick, I’d be bunking with him...."

    What a string of mishaps !

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