"Unbuilding" my layout

rogergperkins Jan 20, 2014

  1. rogergperkins

    rogergperkins TrainBoard Member

    Yes, a loop of track is just enough to focus on exploring future options for a new layout.
    I am now considering exploring the Java Model Railroad Interface, jmri, options for NCE because
    I have the loop of track next to my computer.
    Otherwise I might not have considered exploring this possibility.
    Once more packing is complete, I can also get back to the "drafting" board to work on a track plan.:)
  2. rogergperkins

    rogergperkins TrainBoard Member

    Yesterday, 17 April 2014, all the bench work was picked up so that aspect moves into the realm of memories and photos.
    I am now focused on determining if the next layout can be run from my computer.
    I am also evaluating the idea of running it DCC. I am still thinking about some track that would be only for the locomotives without dcc decoders, these are primarily Kato Mikados. I have 5 and am not certain how the budget would allow for adding decoders to them all.
  3. rogergperkins

    rogergperkins TrainBoard Member

    With a small loop of track as THE current layout on a table near my computer, I find I can think about
    investigating the use of the computer interface with the layout. I have not clear idea what the possibilities are for such a connection, but think it would be a nice option at least in terms of creating better documentation of the CV settings for the decoder equipped locomotives.
    I am also thinking about scratch building a few structures for my "home town" area. I obtained a few photos of the other retail businesses near my family's general store so they will guide my design attempts.
    I also have a future layout track plan in mind, but have not put it on paper.

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