IT LIVES!!!!!! After getting most of the scenery wrapped up around the bog, the highway crossing and Ruston, I finally got up the courage to work on the control panel for the highway crossing. Being a wood butcher for more than 40 years, electronics are NOT in my comfort zone, but I've always wanted a crossing with sound and lights. With the help of an old friend who loves this kind of stuff, he helped me put this together. He made some of the electronics and gathered other parts of it up for me. The two main components he designed and produced and the IR sensors are from ISE: The cross bucks are the new models from Showcase Miniatures: I picked up the wire splitters from Amazon and I have some 3 pin plugs coming from Amazon tomorrow as well. Last night I connected the components, today I got the 402 LEDs installed and wired and then I bench tested it all this evening. So far nothing has burst into flames or filled the basement with smoke...
So far? Are you expecting it too in the future? I just thought this was funny, for some odd reason I hope you never see flames or smoke really!
Well, I hope not. But one never knows. Hopefully if the smoke appears it'll be no more than the Magic Smoke from decoders. Now hurry up Amazon! I want my micro plugs!
IF you pick up a new BLI LOCOMOTIVE, it will add a bit of smoke down there as it chuffs around the layout out pulling all of those engines you have! Seriously though, that entire corner is coming together beautifully! The depth perception in the photo's is great and really adds to the illusion. Good stuff!!
JT Megasteam makes a smoke fluid that smells like coal smoke but I prefer the one that smells like hot chocolate.
When they announced them, I ordered several sets, they are relatively easy to assemble. My only gripe about them, if you want them lit, you have carefully drill out the lights. I trashed one, but was able to reglue it.
OK, it's not completely done, but it's enough that I can test it with a train. I still need to install and adjust the right sensor properly, that'll get done when I get the depot built. Then I'll tidy up the wires, but it works! Yay for me, as this is a first for me!
That is an excellent scene! The way the roadway, landscape and backdrop fit together is very well done. Makes any of my past attempts look like they were done with crayons and flour paste....
Thank you. Well I'd be lying if I said I had that all planned out. I'm flying by the seat of my pants, but I'm learning as I go, thanks to what I've read on forums and watched on YouTube and just plain giving it a go and changing things on the fly.
I know the video was for the crossing - and that was well done! - but I also like the ICG unit. Don't see ICG (or IC) modeled too much!