The Greenbrier Logging and Sawmill Co R.R. #5

OleSmokey May 30, 2021

  1. badlandnp

    badlandnp TrainBoard Member

    That is a slick looking enginehouse! Very 'woodsy!'
  2. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Yup! It looks like some of the farm sheds. (y)
  3. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I need to shave off just a bit so it fits better. The main line is very close but i can take say a 1/16" off i can fix the issue there. I have the roofing to fit on and thats about ready. I used the same paint as the company stores and sawmill. I used about every bit of paint i had, but I have a little bit to touch up. Showing how close it is.

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    SP-Wolf and badlandnp like this.
  4. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Another change of the engine house, the track into the engine house is curved and caused some rubbing on the wall of the house. I may redo the plan there at a future date. Shots below.

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    badlandnp likes this.
  5. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Since i used the snub siding for the engine house i needed another snub siding. I had this place between the hotel and sawmill. New snub siding done. Shots below

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    BoxcabE50 and badlandnp like this.
  6. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well, It happens to all of us. My turn to drop one. So i made sure the main engine is a ok. It will live. Now that housing is another story. I can fix the railings and for the most part then it will live too. So while i have it all kinda tore apart i may as well do the paint on it. And relabel it. Then i only need to drop the other one and fix it too. hehe No pics yet. Laters
    badlandnp likes this.
  7. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I think single-ended sidings are called "stub sidings". Unless of course you are referring to the extra-short length of a stub siding... Even then, if it holds a 40' boxcar in the clear, it's long enough. Maybe if all it could hold were a speeder or something like that...
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    It could be a stub, especially if (stubbed) shortened. More appropriately as a single ended track, they are known as a "spur".

    A siding or passing track, ("loop" across the pond), has a switch for access at each end. So when you see someone write or say "passing siding", they are double doubling the language.
  9. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    An industrial spur serves one or more industries, and eventually dead-ends. As such, it might have one or more passing (double-ended) sidings for run-around moves to handle facing point stubs. Such spurs are designed to move the industrial switching operations off the mainline, so they do not interfere with the mainline's through traffic. and vice versa. An otherwise spur that connects to the mainline at both ends is called an industrial loop. These are often the remnants of the original mainline, after the area was bypassed for through-traffic efficiency. Likewise, some spurs were previously loops, for which the completing trackage from one end was abandoned/removed for various reasons.

    I suspect much of this nomenclature is road-defined and/or varies by region.
  10. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well now,I had thought about this many times that i would rather have a more open layout. Two Big tunnels is just way to much for me anymore. I like the sawmill river and town but where the logging camp is and how its laid out. The fenced yard for cows and horses to big and even the town is too big.I plan to make changes to it again. This makes layout #6. Give me awhile and i will show a plan i think could work. I put the rest of plans on hold till i can figure it out. The left side of the layout will get the biggest changes and some on the right as well. Am working on a plan right now. Laters
    mtntrainman likes this.
  11. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    This is what i have now. It looks good on paper but will see how it looks as i get plan in place. Shots are from Scarm.

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    badlandnp and BNSF FAN like this.
  12. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Well, it is coming along. My biggest issue is the bridges where they cross. It looks like it will work. I have to add about 6 more inches of bridge to allow the lower main line to pass under the upper spur bridge. Sometimes when you plan in scarm it looks good but i have never been able to get the plan to work on the layout. Anyway its going on. Shots below

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  13. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I restored a old trestle from layout #4 and modified it for me needs. It will be used where the logging track crosses the main to the logging camp. The big one will be modified to run the river span and cross the main. Working on supply's for that. its being configured for the way the new track will be over the main line track. Shots of the smaller trestle below.

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  14. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Shots of the new trestle finished

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  15. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Folks, I am going to go slow right now. I am trying to figure out how i want the background track to go and i also will have to make a hill or small mountain with trees for the logging camp. So i am shutting it down while i try and figure it all out. Laters all, Smoke
    BoxcabE50, gmorider and BNSF FAN like this.
  16. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    Ive seen different layouts have a lift out for access to track when a derail happens. The other issue is how to make the mountains so it looks like train sitting on top of or aside of the rock formations. I tried a few different plans to see how it could work. One idea is to make that left side of the board wider. maybe 34-38 inches. I have enough of the 2 inch foam to m0ake the board wider. it might be better if i do just that way. 2 inches should solve many of the issues of space.That area around the big trestle could really use the extra width to help things to work out. The 1 inch can help do the Rock extensions. I was thinking of making the layout a 4X8 when i started this layout. Not sure why i didn't...
    BigJake likes this.
  17. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Truer words have never been written of N scale model railroading!
  18. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    More like 4 inches Going with 36X97X3 inches total size. Now i know why scarm plans wouldn't fit. Shots of the stretching

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  19. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Will you have access to the back side of the layout? If not, unless you are fairly tall, you will need to keep the height to (dining) table height (~30") to be able to reach the back of it with sufficient dexterity (and likely one arm at a time). My 36 x 80 HCD layout was (and will be again) that way. I'm 5' 10". Robust scenery or some sort of guard along the front side helps too.

    Or a topside creeper!
  20. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    i cut the 2 inch piece of foam. While cutting it broke off a 2 foot piece. I finished the cut to get the 4 inches and glued the board with wood sticks and glue to put it back together. Tomorrow should be able to install to the layout. Final size will be 36 by 97 inches. That should work for the scarm plan. Shots of the mess...Real Mess!!

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    SP-Wolf and BNSF FAN like this.

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