Tables for Calculating Spiral Helix Dimensions

ppuinn Jan 30, 2007

  1. Shifty1

    Shifty1 TrainBoard Member

    geeze... I did mine the hard way... had to dig deep to remember circle maths lol

    Mine is 2 tracks. 1 up, 1 down.

    47 inches total distance from lower layout to upper. 2.25" between levels. From my maths, around 23 levels to climb. Uggh...
  2. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    47" climb? Wow, that's quite a helix. Got pics?
  3. Shifty1

    Shifty1 TrainBoard Member

    I brainfarted... I guess ive been living in this thing for far too long. I'll call it a senior moment.. I had to get one of my n scale sets out of the overhead cabinets in the rear of the living room today... the exact same cabinets that are essentially in the way of the upper layers of the helix I have been drawing out and planning off and on.... for a week..

    Yeah... proby slap time. I've lost count of how many times I've measured that space... not even looking at the cabinets.. lol! Oops..

    Sooo... rev4 change 6... new hieght of helix=35 inches

    14 rings total. but that also means I'll have to transition from a shelf layout to a hanging layout. The good news is that it's still well above the tv in the entertainment center lol
  4. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Is there a headroom issue with the cabinet?
    Before you get it drawn and cut, make sure where the helix is placed, when you stand inside it, you don't have to crane or bend your neck uncomfortably to work around the cabinet.
    Rev 4, change 7? :p
  5. Shifty1

    Shifty1 TrainBoard Member

    No, headroom isnt the problem.. just simply didnt take the cabinets into account.

    And hanging the upper layout lower will actually work out better in the end. it'll still be out of the way, but much easier to work with.
  6. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for the great spreadsheet. I'm in the process of planning an oval spiral helix with 15 inch straight sections (bottom loop). I'm having difficulty on understand exactly where the oval supports A, B, C and D are located in relation to the other supports. I'm guessing that support 1 is just before the straight section and that then Supports A and B are before the next curved section? Are they at the end of the straight sections? If so would they replace 4 of the numbered supports?

    Thanks for any help. I'm returning to model railroading and N scale since being gone since the early 70's,


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