Anyone have a program? I need to stitch two scans together, vertically. All that I can find is garbage that wants to create a "collage". I don't want a blankety-blank "collage". This isn't art. I need to combine two into one whole view. I don't know how much time I have wasted tonight, trying to find something....
i used to have some good software for that. all lost now.. could you not use paint something like that...
I did look at Paint. Either it is corrupt or missing a lot. That version which loads for me is quite barren of any options or abilities.
maybe this . Gimp is open source should work well.. here is gimp ...... maybe this ......
What a process. After some searching and reading, I found a tool in IrfanView. But it required a whole lot of fiddling, and fiddling and fiddling. The tool worked just fine, the two pieces went together horizontally just fine. But getting the two pieces lined up vertically was almost agonizing. Good grief! And in the end, all I could was get very close, but not quite perfect. Visually, without looking too closely, it comes across looking just fine. But under scrutiny, you can detect a slight flaw.... I'm going with it as is, at this point.
I've used Hugin and it works pretty good, Autostitch is another one.