Some Nn3 pics from the GATS

rray Jul 19, 2004

  1. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I went to the San Mateo GATS to get a good look at Tom Knapp's Nn3 club modules. Several of us out here are starting a Z Bend Track modular club, and Tom's standards are always inspiration.

    The rockwork is Bragdon's foam rockwork for ultra light modules.

    Tom's club will be at the Narrow Gauge Convention in September.

    This little locomotive has a sound chip in it.

    Here is a fine example of Bar Mills Idaho Hotel.

    All the Nn3 scenery is small, giving an almost Z Scale appearance.

    The structures and scenery is built to excellent fine scale standards. [​IMG]

    I also ran into Chuck Ciaccio of The Feather River Train Shop. [​IMG]
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    That hotel looks great! Nn3 is neat stuff. I've admired it from afar for many years. But it's just too small for my shaky hands.....

    RTR N standard gauge is a bit of a chore at times for me. Yet I'm looking at HOn30.......


    Boxcab E50

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