I believe Peco does still make the HOn30 track. You might check out the HOn30 mail car site on yahoo. I would post the link, but the "powers" here would delete such a thing. Woodie
Greetings Folks, I've been working on a Reefer kitbash over the past few days. It's being built out of a cut down Grandt Line C&S steel underframe car with a new roof and ends fabricated from styrene. I'll post some pics shortly. I've also found in my stash an old Bemo HOe 4-wheel underframe that matches SR&RL Flanger No. 505 on all major dimensions (within 2 scale inches!), so I expect that'll be my next project. Stay tuned. -Cody
Woodie- Umm, no. We would not. What we do, is when someone comes here with a "I just started, come join," or "let's go join over there" type post trolling for new members. That, we dislike. We've worked hard for eleven years, without doing that ourselves. If someone wants their own Group, fine, just do the work themselves- Not by skimming from us. BTW- I am a long time member of that Group. But with Yahoo's marvelous search engine, I did not find the information sought in message archives. So I tried asking here. The Peco web site stinks for searching.... Boxcab E50
Boxcab-not to hijack the thread, but when I posted a link to radio control for trains found in another forum, the moderator here deleted the link. I was not trying to subvert the fellow, just inform him as to where he could get info on what he was asking. I have no commercial ties with anyone in model railroading and am not trying to sell anything. Woodie
Woodie- As I recall what was ongoing, it had nothing to do with your posting the link as doing something wrong. There was another very closely associated problem ongoing at the time, which in order to cool it down required that action. Boxcab E50
Box, Peco still makes crazy track. They're also making what they call Mainline track and larger switches. These have straighter tie spacing.
Art- Thanks. Glad to know. Now if I could figure out how to negotiate the Peco web site... Boxcab E50
Time to bump up this thread.. Still out here, but my time is spread out all over. My new project is an HOn30 stock car. The rough photo is here.. It's a build following the article from the Feb 1987 MR on scratch building NG cars. I've added more info on my blog. So, what's everyone else up to?
What is the length of this stock car? Somewhere i the 28-32 foot range? I don't have the article noted. Boxcab E50
On my road, 28-30 foot is normal. The car here is 28 feet. Since I posted the photo I've added the roof (corrugated metal) and a few other bits. More pictures later. I'll also get a shot of it with the boxcar I have..
Got the stock car done in the wee hours of the morning... Here's a family album... Left to right: Scratch built 36 foot boxcar based on a IRCA design, the stock car and a scratch built gondola. There's also a 28 foot floor that's waiting to become either a boxcar or reefer. Or a cane car. Who knows?
Finally got some paint on the stockcar this weekend... Now for some of the cars I need a few of, like boxcars, cane cars, banana cars, and the like. Luckly, these will be cast resin cars...
Nice. Really nice! If I'm not careful, old fires of interest could be stirred again. Argh! Boxcab E50
So, got a load of track supplies in last week from my local pusher. I've decided to hand lay the track instead of flex. I may go with N scale flex for some hidden track. I had given thought hard about the new Peco Mainline 009 track, but getting it was gonna be a pain and the cost was a big issue. So here's a shot of the test section of roadbed/track.