Rokuhan Double Crossover & Power-Isolation

Michael Doleman Jan 25, 2018

  1. Michael Doleman

    Michael Doleman TrainBoard Member

    Okay, big sigh, another fairly dumb question, here. Hopefully, for which, I can adequately articulate the information I actually need. Bear with me; I tend to learn by doing and, while I absorb information pretty readily, I can often be woefully dense with regard to things that present as fairly obvious to others.

    My specific question is around use of a double-crossover turnout, specifically the Rokuhan R078. I am going to use this crossover to connect two basic ovals, an inner and an outer. My intention is to leave it in power-routing mode, but I have to admit that my understanding of what functionality that results in is vague, to me.

    Rather than go into a lot of detail about how I picture it working, and what I'm expecting, I'll just ask the question in the way that expresses the confusion in my head:

    If I have two power controllers, one for each oval, when/where does power from one controller stop, and the other pick-up, when I have the crossover switched "on?" E.g., I'm running a train along the outer oval and I want to switch over to the inner... Along comes my train, and it makes the crossover, heading toward the inner oval... At what point is the locomotive no longer powered from the outer oval, and is now running on power delivered from the inner oval's controller? My gut feeling here is that this is something very basic and obvious, and (as is my tendency) I'm just overthinking it.
  2. z.scale.hobo

    z.scale.hobo TrainBoard Member

  3. Michael Doleman

    Michael Doleman TrainBoard Member

    Yeah, I've looked over the instructions; still don't really see the direct answer to my specific question :-/ Like I said: sometimes the most obvious things go sailing right over my head because I overthink them.
  4. z.scale.hobo

    z.scale.hobo TrainBoard Member

    There's a nifty dashed line... once the train crosses it, it is into the control of the loop where it is headed.
    Michael Doleman likes this.
  5. zscaler

    zscaler TrainBoard Member

    ZoCal has four of these on our Z Bend big yard. They cross the mains before the yard throat. The mains each have their own circuit breaker and we did nothing to the crossovers. They work fine. Use a Ohm meter if you want to check the rails to be sure. We did.
  6. Michael Doleman

    Michael Doleman TrainBoard Member

    Okay, so, based on these comments, this seems a lot simpler than I was thinking. For some reason I had my mind fixated on the notion that it couldn't possibly be that simple. But it sounds pretty easy.
  7. emaley

    emaley TrainBoard Supporter

    I have one with basically two ovals. I have multiple feeders and run only one controller. No insulators and everything works great. nothing to complicated.

  8. ViperBugloss

    ViperBugloss TrainBoard Member

    If you have two power controllers, one for each oval, when the turnout is set to cross over the power will come from both power controllers. One solution is to turn off the power controller in the inner loop, cross over using the power from the outer loop, stop the locomotive, set the turnout to straight ahead, then start the locomotive up using the inner loop controller.

    Robert Pearce (aka ViperBugloss)

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