rock molds in a transportable layout

captainjack Jan 28, 2007

  1. captainjack

    captainjack E-Mail Bounces

    Hey. First I'd like to say greetings to you all...I'm new to the boards and new to railroading. I had a couple of questions as I'm starting out with this whole thing and I figured this was the place to put them up since i can't find anywhere on the net giving me decisive answers.

    I'll make this quick. I'm designing a transportable layout. Because of this I am planning on making my mountain side out of a foam base (insulation foam actually) to increase it's durability. I would like to use rock molds to attach to the foam base, but have a couple of concerns. I read you simply push the rock mold against your base-form. If I do that is the plaster really going to stick to the foam or do I risk it falling off? If not, can you attach the plaster cast from the molds to the layout (to form around curves) with glue before the plaster has fully set? I can't figure out how I'd go about it.

    The other idea I've heard is to either make a base form with aluminum foil then cover it with spackle/polyfilla or to smear down a thin layer of spackle/polyfilla and push aluminum foil into it? How does this look when finished? Would it be a better method for me.

    I need something pretty durable since I will be taking the layout to my junior high (where I teach) so it is going to get alot of touching and have to move in and out of my car a lot. Plus, until I get my house this summer, I'm living in an apartment so my wife wants me to keep my layout in the closet.

    Thanks for any responses and it's a pleasure to meet you all.
  2. okane

    okane TrainBoard Supporter


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