Soaring high over the white waters of the Fish Creek, MRL's Silver Cloud business train crawls West with a train full of passengers. Dennis Washington put on a show for a business partners' family reunion, as they would ride from Missoula to Sandpoint.
Oh cool, a Griswold rotating stop sign grade crossing signal. It's missing it's stop sign, but here's one in action. Griswold was headquartered in MN, so their signals were most common in the midwest.
July 1982 at Hagerstown MD, BO GP-40 4033, later CSX 6608. I somehow also shot the 6608 at Montgomery AL in March 1990.
They used to get all dressed up to go to a Texas BBQ. Sugar Land Tower 114 on the right where the IGN (Missouri Pacific) crossed the T&NO (SP).
Imperial Sugar used to ship tank cars full of liquid cane sugar to the Coka-Cola bottling plants. One of their best customers.
Mmmmm... Pure liquidy Texas refined sweetness! That's a great photo. The structure around it gives some good modeling ideas.
Near Bradford PA - July 1, 2003 - Forgot I had this picture. Might make a good project for one of my non operational Atlas GP's