Commercial Endeavors: Promotion of or by businesses who do not advertise with us, in any of our forums, is NOT allowed. Such ads or references will be removed. Please note- We have stores who are paying us to advertise. This money helps keeps our "doors" open. People wishing to post about their operations, for free, undercut those who pay us. Please use the "Contact Us", small button, lower right corner of any page, to discuss business advertising fees. Businesses may post a link in their message signature, best if simply to their website home page. We ask that businesses please do all direct selling via our "Swap Meet" just as any other individual member. Please do not flood the Swap Meet with ads, or post a lengthy list. A few items at a time is sufficient. Manufacturers or importers may announce new products in our "Model Railroad Product News" forum. Please note this area is NOT a sales area. You may post a link to your new items, where members can learn about pricing. Our "Swap Meet": In order for us to keep an eye open for any possible problems arising, and minimize clutter resulting from outdated or completed transaction topics: Please place ALL ads concerning any items For Sale, any Trades sought and any items Wanted in our Swap Meet Forum: Rules for using the Swap Meet are posted at the top of Page 1, in that Forum. ALL ads found outside of that area, will be moved to the Swap Meet. After ninety days of inactivity, ads will be removed from view. We have found through the many years when that much time has elapsed, it is better make a fresh start, with a new listing. You may post a "see my ad or announcement in the" style of message in your appropriate forum. Please do not flood the forums with such posts, one is enough. Repetitive notices will be removed. We reserve the right to move or edit posts deemed to be out of place, such a decision made on a case by case basis.