POLICY: Image Uploading

FriscoCharlie Jan 10, 2010

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  1. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    Here is a new policy as of January 10, 2010.

    At TrainBoard, we have three ways to upload images.
    On RailImages, there is an off-topic category. We have asked people to hold the images in that category to a minimum - and you have.

    On TrainBoard Albums, we have asked people privately to maintain an "on-topic only" mindset.

    When we started our image uploading service(s), there was not a lot of this type of storage available on the Internet. Now, you have Facebook, Flickr, ImageShack, and the list goes on and on....

    If you're into other hobbies we are happy about that and would be interested in hearing about it in our Cattle Car forum. But, we need to host only on-topic images only.

    We are not going to get into petty arguments about what is and is not on-topic for these forums. As long as the image has a legitimate railfan, model railroad, etc., purpose it is fine.

    If you want to post images of your wedding, hot rod, new baby, dog, hunting camp, etc., then fine. Just host them at another free service!

    The reason is two-fold:
    • Storage space/bandwidth
    • Keeping our image galleries from being convoluted
    We have had complaints from folks who like to browse our image galleries and have to sort through things that don't interest them.

    It's not that we don't want to help you or that we are being unfriendly. We just need to stay on-target here.

    Michel Goyard likes this.
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