09-27-24: Added print files for posts, beams, trusses and a roof for the green chain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . In my build the roof connects into the main building. I modified it (above) for those that can't do that and need a stand-alone roof over their green Chain. Also added another option where the walkways have individual boards that show (above). ========================================= You can find the print files for the 'green chain' on thingiverse ( HERE ). ========================================= More info on my site ( HERE ). Sumner
today added some print files for some of the interior items for my sawmill. Didn't know if anyone could use them besides myself and still have a lot more to design. I've gotten some requests for them so decided to put up what I have. I'd put up the log lift that lifts the logs from the mill pond and the chains that carry the logs to the mill along with a debarker and debarker building ( HERE ). I had the chain into the building in that group of print files and have added it again to this group along with the log table, carriage, bandsaw and a couple logs one can print (more coming in the future). Here are a few images ..... .... and the link to my web page with more images and info about the items .... https://1fatgmc.com/RailRoad/UP%20Canyon%20Division/page-221.html .... and .... You can find the print files for these parts on thingiverse ( HERE ). More info on TrainBoard here.... https://www.trainboard.com/highball/index.php?threads/n-scale-sawmill-interior-detail.156390/ Sumner
Adding the Number Boards and Lens to the P42's! Was wondering why the lights were so bright Sorry it's sideways!
So I finally got the new command station in a box done. Actually it’s been done for a week now, but I have been having issues getting Trainboard to not flip my pictures. I guess Apple has changed the photos app so when you flip the image and save it, then flip it again it just reverts the image to the original which is upside down according to Trainboard (but not to any other forum or FB). But anywho it’s fully wired, fully assembled and tested and works 98% as I anticipated. The 2% is the PM74 kills the command station when there is a short and the loconet cable is plugged in. Remove loconet and the PM74 only trips the shorted zone. I dunno what’s the cause, and since Florida is under water right now I have not gotten a reply on my ticket. Here is the outside, it looks like a standard Craftsman Versastak with the exception of the short circuit indicator. Here is the backside with the power input, and track outputs. There are no DC input ports on this setup, DC is supplied on the red line still but from a G scale decoder instead of a standard throttle. This allows us freedom to move around with a DCC throttle and still use it to run DC trains. And here are the guts! The small white box above the command station is the WiFi router, there is a Raspberry Pi running in a headless configuration, the UR93 is under the PM74 and of course some power management equipment as well. Oh, and the little blue switch is a new product I produce and sell at shows.
Did you add the MU hoses too? I just ordered some replacement ones. The ones I had originally installed fell out when I was doing some work on the shell and I didn't notice.
Not yet, never did on my first P42, Operation Lifesaver. My eyes aren't good enough to see them anyway Maybe I will try on one of them at some point, maybe? But I really, really, like the Kato P42's. a lot! I never thought I would buy an Amtrak locomotive(s), but glad I did.
Started the walkway tonight. I have some additional detailing to do on a few individual boards as well as the stairs. The deck is made from scribed sheet that I cut into sections of several boards and glued to an under frame. I used micro Krystal Klear on the windows for individual panes, I like the results this far. I’m not yet sold on the way the windows go together though. I kind of prefer Tichy windows. The roof is next and then all of the exterior detail.
Designed a sawmill bandsaw sharpening station. One of the smallest designs I've done... More images on TrainBoard ( HERE ) You can find the print files for the 'sharping station' on thingiverse ( HERE ). Sumner
Mocking up the Late Night Hobbies laser warehouse kit. Just using some painters tape on roof, but the sides are amazing how well they fit. Just have to be very careful. I need to take them apart to paint them at some point. Hope I don't break the windows, doors, or sills Like I said painters tape holding roof, why it is not Level It fits perfectly. Now to figure out how I want to paint the brick? Probably lite Grey as I have no RED brick color paint, don't think? I'll check and see! Windows, doors, and sills! Paint test on basically the first paint I grabbed This test piece is really nice! Applied with toothpick like he did. Wrong colors, but I get it now Well the Grey might work. I really want a dark RED brick colors. I'll have to check my cheap Acrylic paints from Wally World Anyone know what a RED Brick colored acrylic paint is called, the color? Not a bright RED. At like Wally World? Or do I just go and look?
Went to all the big stores but didn't think the color was right. As far as color, the factory brick is painted with Tru-Color Flat Brick Red but don't think its acrylic. Maybe Tru-Color has acrylic version? The Flat Brick Red looks very close to brick.
Bricks vary in color quite a bit. They can range from dark red to almost orange. I think you should look at some brick structures and then go to the store and see what color looks best to you.
I think I found it, called Flamenco RED, but looks nothing like it in the photo. So much for cell phone cameras. At least mine I like it too, so far, waiting for it to dry some more, to see? It's the bottom ones that are Flamenco RED, close enough for me, I think? My Grey Primer is not working out so far so have no idea what to do for the grout color, more test to make, see if I have a Grey that will work? This is going to take a very long time to paint Very long, brick by brick As you can tell, need more practice!
Think I am going to try this pattern? See if I can pull it off? The front of the building for now. Not sure about the rest yet? If I even get close I'll be happy.