Well, it's eleven degrees outside and snowing lightly. In our superinsulated house, the oven has a turkey cooking and heating the whole place very nicely. I'm watching football on TV and painting the corner module pictured on my work bench last night. The bad news- I must vacate the dining table of T-Trak projects, for dinner as predicted yesterday. Oh well. Ha ha... Boxcab E50
Vacating the table - that is soooo unfair. It's just wrong! Sigh, mustn't let Laura see this thread. Nope, nope, nope.
Hm, nice! The founder is the same guy who founded GermanTrak. And he is also present at the Summer Jamboree of GermanTrak. And so are we, sometimes! So, maybe I know this guy?! Well, maybe I should renew my knowledge of German.....
Thanks Thieu I can read and speak German... writing in German might be a challenge. It usually take me about a week of total immersion in Germany for me to think in German Hahaha. Is this founder of German T-Trak on Trainboard? If not we need to get him over here. Two of my buddie here in Texas are German T-Trak fans. Would be fun to get them all talking with one another. Herb is a an fervent Fleischmann N-Scaler. Jim loves his older Arnold/Rapido Collector. Thanks for Opening this doorway. Bill
The next Jamboree is in june 2011. Our club has been invited, as usual. Most of the times however, it is too far away for just a weekend. The Germans always plan this meeting during a long holiday weekend, but in Holland, we do not have that holiday... But next year, the Germans have chosen for a week that we also have a holiday, so maybe...? I can send an e-mail to Markus, one of the GermaNtrak members that I know a little better. A few weeks ago, he showed his Faller Car System N modules during the same show in my home city where we stood with our large oNetrak layout.
With T-TRAK modules being small enough to transport taking a module to an overseas show might be an idea worth considering.
Spot on! At the last Australian N scale convention, two T-TRAK modules were brought in hand luggage. Cheers David
Shipping T-Trak Modules via Parcel Shipper like Fedex Might want to consider shipping by Fedex with the charges that the airlines are charging for additional Luggage can be prohibitive. I like some of the ideas that people have devised to transport their Modules. Maybe we can get a Dialog going for Ideas for Shipping Modules with a Parcel Shipper like Fedex, UPS, DHL. Bill :thumbs_up:
Taking the idea of a T-Trak Jamboree to the next step Wouldn't it be awesome if T-Trak Enthusiasts World Wide could come to a World T-Trak Jamboree... Stuttgart Germany sounds like a excellent place to start. Who would I need to speak with for Logistics? Mr German T-Trak? Bill :thumbs_up:
You're always welcome to bring a module to the N scale convention in Sydney in May 2011. See 12th Australian National N Scale Convention. Cheers David
Thanks for the offer Dave, Thanks for the Offer.. I'll have to keep that in mind for a future adventure. I have heard so much about Austrailia.... I would be honored to Bring a module to your N Scale convention. Tell me: Are all the women in Austrailia as beautiful as Nicole Kidman and Olivia Newton John? Hahaha... Bill :thumbs_up:
Has there ever been a "National" gathering here in the USA? By that I mean specifically for T-Trak and not just an adjunct to a larger, ongoing affair? Boxcab E50
National T-Trak Convention To my knowledge there has not been a National T-Trak Convention; as I am relatively new to T-Trak, but not new to N Scale; other than the National N-Scale Convention. This may be a good topic for discussion. I'm open for ideas. Let's but some ideas out there. Bill :thumbs_up:
Ohhh Myyy! Be still my beating heart, Two of my favorite things in life. Trains and beautiful women all in the same Place Hahahaha
Ntrak really burst upon the scene, when they had a first few large gatherings. They got media and manufacturer attention for themselves and the scale- The rest is history. I would believe such exposure could bring about a similar effect for T-Trak. Boxcab E50
Wow! This thread has really started to explode with content, and now there's even a group for T-Trak discussions. I am very interested in trying out the concept, maybe even forming a one-man club smile:. I was just curious about this comment a few pages back. I don't know if you have any more details on how you do these adapter track sections. I'm curious, because I've toyed with the idea of building a module segment that could be a bridge from Unitrack to normal Atlas track, in case you might want to throw together some modules for a T-Trak display, but don't have all the Unitrack you need at first. I also was trying to imagineer a concept module of a T-Track section that could also fit into an NTrak module frame as a drop in piece, so you remove it from the Ntrak module and place it in a T-Trak layout. Needless to say, that would be a tricky affair, and the measurements for track lengths and joiners would need to be precise.