If I am not mistaken, ATSF MOW equipment was grey, right? Has it always been grey, or were other color schemes used in the past?? Happy Modeling!! John
Yes, Silver sounds right also. I also remember seeing some Tuscan as a kid, but I can't be sure that they were SF. Happy Modeling!! John
Guys, You both are right! Santa Fe Had the grey MOW cars and silver, but they also had a very few tuscan (oxide red) ones as well but the oxide red were very few and far in between but they had them. The grey ones were the most common in color. Hope this helps....
It seems to me that I saw a tuscan flanger sitting next to a gray work crane in Albuquerque once. This makes me think that the equipment may represent different paint schemes through time rather than different paint schemes representing different parts of the SF system. What about snow plows?? The only color I can remember is gray. Happy modeling!! John
The ATSF used to have two blade type push snow plows that sat on a siding on the west side of Wichita, Kansas when I was a kid. One was tuscan red, the other was black. There was a big crane that was black also. I suspect that MOW equipment was painted what ever color paint happened to be handy sometimes. I have even seen blue cranes.
Well, I'd say we have the following colors: Tuscan Silver Gray Black To add to this, I've seen a small crane that was on a Black base, but the crane was Yellow.
Sounds about right Brent!! I wonder if there was any black/white Zebra MOW paint schemes? Maybe the black equipment was originally in the Zebra scheme?? Happy Modeling!! John