Looking for in production modern and common US style vehicles. I've seen several sports cars, but a town full of them would look a bit odd. Seen lots of near Z (1:200 or 1:250 something). Close, but I'd like 1:220 if possible. Suggestions?
Commercially, what you saw, is it. Most all are 1:200 and so factory shiny thwt you might you live a forever world. Märklin made 4-car set of 60’s 7-`body’ in 4 colors. Another supplier cloned them, without the class. The bulk China ones can be treated: pop the glass out, set a few of then out and DullCote (satin) to look like the kids don’t want to allowance to wash. Re-paint a few, first. There were a few suppliers that got smart after evey offers on eBay that got smart to make the ‘Tesla’ model (so to put all your minds to rest, the early Sedan and later larger X-Y). Showcase Miniatures makes some 3D vehicles and there are other triers.
There are some people on here that picked up some very nice cars on ebay. I've never been that lucky.
Showcase miniatures just released some 1980's Ford pickup trucks. Not really "today" modern, but I'm sure there's still some of those trucks on the road somewhere today.
C and F modell over in Germany has a couple of fairly modern European / Japanese cars that were also sold in the US. And a few American cars. Take a look at the N scale selection, all models available in Z on request. Unpainted, however. Quality is very good. https://www.candfmodell.de/deutsch/spur-n/pkw/ Examples (N scale models shown): And under trucks: https://www.candfmodell.de/spur-n/lkw/usa/ Matt
Oh, the Dodge Dakota from C&F looks good. Showcase Miniatures has some potential commercial vehicles (mail truck and box trucks along with pickup trucks. Still searching for passenger vehicles. Not necessarily Teslas, but not something looking like an 80's hatchback! May just have to get aback of cheapies and see how the compare to the better stuff.
Look up mrztrax.com. Expensive, but miniature pieces of art. Euro and U.S. style models. Also look for My Z scale models on Facebook. These are not stores, but artisans that create vehicles mostly on demand. Again, not cheap, but you have cheap options to explore (the 1/200 stuff from China).
Oh wow, I thought I knew about every Z vehicle manufacturer, but C&F is new to me. I see some vehicles that I'll be ordering, thanks for posting their info and photos. I'm a bit wary of some of the 3D items on eBay, you have to make sure they are 1:220 (unless 1:200 is okay with you). On Facebook you can check Tugaz Z Scale and JCM Models. I have some Z 3D vehicles that I created but it's mostly trucks from the 70s and 80s. Good luck in your search. It's amazing how many Z scale items you can find when you start digging.
Raffaele Piccolo is the best in the business. I love his Oldsmobile 442 models. Take a look (scroll down): https://www.mrztrax.com/scale_models.html These are his currently available models: https://www.mrztrax.com/Docs/MrZtraX_List.pdf Matt