Layout progress update

v_z_gK_Z_289333312 Oct 12, 2016

  1. v_z_gK_Z_289333312

    v_z_gK_Z_289333312 TrainBoard Member

    I recently had some time to work further on my model railroad. I reworked my main layout to have a smaller depth afforded by the rather tight curves that Rokuhan locomotives can handle - 10.5" deep, 4 feet long. This lets me have a much more portable layout that can easily sit on shelves and tables. Small layouts are where Z really shines, so I want to take advantage of it. This is still very much work-in-progress, but what model railroad isn't? I have a base coat of brown paint and a sprinkling of green turf. I still need to paint rocks and add more turf, trees, and landmasses.

    Attached Files:

    ztrack, shamoo737 and Kez like this.
  2. emaley

    emaley TrainBoard Supporter

    Nice start. It's fun to get something up and running. Be forewarned, you are now very susceptible to the dreaded model train virus. Mine started with N scale and quickly progressed to Z scale and now I am acquiring some Nn3 and HOn30 stuff now. No telling where it stops. Actually it stops when the wallet combusts. Enjoy.

    v_z_gK_Z_289333312 likes this.

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