Large construction site--prototype pix you might find useful.

Peirce Dec 14, 2004

  1. Peirce

    Peirce Passed away April 3, 2009 In Memoriam

    If you are. A project I am working on may help you with some of the details. The Southbury, Connecticut, Public Library is constructing a new building. I am their official photographer, so I am able to have free run of the site.

    Many of my pictures show construction detail, as well as overall shots. I also am trying to show the construction workers doing their job.

    I invite you to have a look at my pictures. My hope is that what I show can help with the details of your modeling project. I will be adding new pictures almost every week until the progect completes sometime late next summer.

    Here us the URL for the pictures:

    [ 18. December 2004, 20:13: Message edited by: Peirce ]
  2. Peirce

    Peirce Passed away April 3, 2009 In Memoriam

    I changed the title on this and am now bringing it back to the top. The original title didn't attract much attention. And, to tease you a bit, here is one detail shot.

  3. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Aw, c'mon Pierce, show us what that girder is fixed to! ;) Rather him than me up there :eek:
  4. Peirce

    Peirce Passed away April 3, 2009 In Memoriam

    OK. This shows a little more of where the columns and girders come together.


    They lifted all that steel using only the single cable you see in this picture. Below is a beam being lifted into place.


    This picture also demonstrates another important factor in both photography and model railroading. Including a human figure in the scene gives the viewer a better sense of relative size.

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