MODELING It's Friday, February 9th,2024: Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin Feb 9, 2024

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back to the gateway to the weekend. Sorry for posting this late but it would appear that the creeping crud I spoke of last weekend has gone to a full-on sinus infection. While I was able to manage most of the week, it increasingly got worse and culminated to its worse last night, so I went to bed early and have just woken up. Needless to say, my only plans this weekend are to stay in bed and hopefully recover in time for Monday.

    Let us know what you're up to this weekend. We'll gather again on Monday the 12th and see how we did. Until then, have a great weekend, be safe and as always...

    High Greens!
  2. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

  3. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    @Jim Wiggin get better sir. Sinus infections are NO fun. Just got over one myself after taking Dx prescribed antibiotics and Mucinex regimen. Hang in there.

    This weekend a potpourri of stuff is on the agenda, we'll see what happens. Stuff such as:
    • Mount acrylic fascia guard at north end of layout.
    • More engine assessment work
    • Some outdoor painting on the LCL walls and puff ball trees (weather permitting)
    • Clean up the dang layout room
    • Clean up the workshop
    Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy the time!
  4. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    @Jim Wiggin - Get well soon!!

    Happy TGIF to Y'all

    My plans start today.

    And are pretty simple -- I have a couple more H12-44's that I am working on.
    Thanks to @jwaldo and his fantastic and inspiring work. I am redoing my SP unit and I am doing an AT&SF unit
    Photos to follow.

    Y'all have a great weekend,

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Friday all!

    @Jim Wiggin hope you feel better soon.

    After work this evening, going to spend a little time on a non N scale project I have been working on a little each day since last Friday. Should finish that up sometime Saturday.

    Saturday, it’s up to coffee and trains. Mainly back to the fascia project. With the exception of a couple of small items, I might actually get it buttoned up during this weekend. Will probably set a couple of trains loose to make laps while I work. That’s always a nice distraction. Theres’s laundry to do and a few errands as well. If the rain holds off, I might even fire up the grill

    Sunday, it’s up to coffee and trains yet again. Guess I will finish up anything on the fascia project I didn’t get done Saturday. I’m expecting an order of metal wheels either today tomorrow so if the show up, I’ll probably work on installing a few of them Sunday as well. Then I guess I need to figure out what’s next

    @SP-Wolf how many more days? Got to be getting close!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  6. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning everyone and wishes for a speedy recovery to @Jim Wiggin

    Model RR plans for this weekend include working on some Ntrak module wiring for a buddy who is building some new modules. Then to get some more trains ready to take to the train show which is now 2 weeks away. Our Ntrak group is confirmed for a 40 x 40 space at this one. Remaining time will be spent continuing work on buildings for Carlin on my home layout.

    Wishing you all a great weekend.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The crud we've had in my area seems to cling and cling on. Bleh. Hope you feel better, soon.

    Hopefully on Monday I will be shipping some boxes of railroadiana, packed over the weekend. Otherwise, not any specific plans. Will see what comes my way.
  8. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    Hopefully you start feeling better soon @Jim Wiggin !

    It's going to be a rather busy weekend for me.

    Today I'm testing the new MRC Nexxt platform with the MRC Prodigy Elite base unit, so far it's setup and a new On30 4-6-0 loco I received on Wednesday is happily running back and forth on a couple pieces of flex track. I need to buy / print a rerailer tool for ensuring all the wheels end up on the rails more easily.

    Saturday I'll be spending the morning in San Jose at an On30 train club and then driving to Sacramento for NMRA divison meeting. At both places I'll be sharing the new MRC Nexxt platform.

    Sunday will likely be work on the Nexxt throttle to wrap up bugs and missing pieces before sending them off for user tests.
  9. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Mr. Wiggin, I feel your pain. Literally. I am still having sinus symptoms myself. Get well soon. (y) I need to investigate "puff ball trees" myself. ;) Soon we will have a plethora of H12-44's. :) Train running yes. Laundry no. :oops: Wiring modules for a buddy. That's what it's all about. :) Bleh is the right word. :sick: Always room for a new "Ten-Wheeler"! :) The following is a pic of how a module begins life. The plywood stuff is the top of my "variable desk". :rolleyes: Then we have sections of newspaper cut and taped to a one foot by three-foot outline. On top of that is a one-inch strip with a red stripe down the center. This represents the main line through Union City Tennessee. Not entirely clear is the footprint for the Union Station serving both the GM&O and NC&StL railroads. Next to this is a quarter inch wide 60-degree crossing template. This area is obscured by the tape measure being used to plan the NC&StL portion of the tracks. Red marking pencil in the distance. The Union City freight house in the foreground. Completed several years ago. This building is actually only 90 percent of scale size due to a measuring error on my part. :eek: The perpendicular white section is actually tinted green and represents a sixty-foot-wide street. Coincidentally, you can see a Hobby Lobby ad which is where I often get supplies. :love: The view is from the North which leads to Cairo, Ill. The South track goes to Jackson, TN and beyond. To the right, the track leads to Hickman, KY and a non-rail ferry to Doreana, MO. :sneaky: To the left, the track goes to Bruceton, TN, home of the NC&StL. ;) Earlier today, I glued the one foot by three-foot sub section to the base section. Next will be the actual sub-track channel sections. Then it will be track laying time. :cool: I was fortunate to have on hand a reprint of an ICG property valuation map in an issue of the GM&O News magazine I have in my collection. This has been a big help. I sure hope everyone gets and stays well. :D
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
  10. jwaldo

    jwaldo TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, always cool when my work inspires someone! And speaking of H-12-44s, I just found a company that makes a coreless motor upgrade kit for them. It doesn't look like there's a US seller, but I plan on trying one out once I've cleared through some other projects. The original motor in mine has aged like fine milk.

    This weekend though, I've got a batch of rolling stock ready to weather. There's getting to be too many clean cars in my trains!
  11. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    After being distracted with other goings on, maybe I'll try to make a few puffball trees this weekend, or at least spray paint some of the swanky L'Elegance large toothpicks I chose for the tree trunks, but it depends on arrival of some warmer weather. With lots of spray painting and spray gluing, I don't want to work any of it indoors.

  12. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Greetings from a beautiful day in McLean.
    Puttered and painted a little bit.
    Spent significant time going back and forth mentally over operations, run-a-round usages and GHA, (giant hand action).
    Studied the design for 'The Great Divide'.
    Delt with various perturbing aspects of life.

    Enjoy folks, hope to have pictures of progress by Friday.
    Jim Wiggin, Atani, BoxcabE50 and 7 others like this.
  13. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    Saturday-try to sleep in and knock out some chores, and see if I can get some outdoor stuff ready for the spring.

    It’s supposed to rain Sunday, so I’m going to play around with my track plan and think on some things before committing to installing the remaining fascia, a lift out or drop down bridge, or a helix.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Jim Wiggin, Atani, BoxcabE50 and 6 others like this.
  14. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter


    Thanks, for thinking of me.
    My retirement has been slightly postponed.
    A colleague's wife had their baby. So, he is on paternity leave, until March 1st.
    My boss asked me if I could hold off until he returns - of course, I said I would. (What's another couple of weeks - ?).
    My retirement was originally set for Feb. 15th. - Now, it is March 1st.

    Jim Wiggin, jhn_plsn, Atani and 7 others like this.
  15. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    I have some stray bins that need to be but into their appropriate places. I am not sure about what other household chores needed to be addressed this weekend other than the laundry. I will be working some overtime tomorrow morning which will impact my schedule. One item we are keeping an eye on this weekend is my wife’s blood pressure. She has been experiencing low blood pressures for the past week or so. Luckily for her, her blood sugars have stabilized. She was having issues with low blood sugars. This is something the doctors do not warn you about as you lose weight. She needs to talk to the endocrinologist and cardiologist about adjusting medications.

    @Jim Wiggin hoping you get over the crud.

    If time permits, I will work on the Ambassador Hotel. For a change of pace, I may tune up some rolling stock. I have some cars I need to add to the inventory program. Since almost all of the rolling stock is in bins, I am now thing about how I can further organize it.
    Jim Wiggin, Atani, BoxcabE50 and 6 others like this.
  16. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    Jim, hope Monday finds you feeling much better.

    Weekend plans are a little unclear right now. A convergence of forces beyond my comprehension has us moving our life's treasures from one storage facility to another. This is somewhat hampered by the elevator failure in the former. Earlier this week I was making good progress on painting the Mikado's drivers. That stopped on Tuesday with the convergence.

    The next thing on my modeling list is a light coat of clear for the drivers. Then I can test them in the frame. Beyond that, I hope to return to the boiler layout.

    Sharon and I will take a little time Saturday morning for a soccer match and some brunch. Then back to the storage facility. After that, it is not very clear. I am hoping there are exciting pictures to share on Monday.

    Stay safe,
    Jim Wiggin, Tompm, Atani and 5 others like this.
  17. Tim Holmes

    Tim Holmes TrainBoard Member

    Gotta be honest, dont know what the weekend holds for (digital) model railroading -- I have a bunch of stuff in JMRI that I need to do (composing routes, building trains, setting up schedules and loads etc). I need to make some more car liveries -- tank cars, log cars etc come to mind right off the bat. its raining right now, and I hope that keeps up all day -- we need the water in the cistern, and also, it keeps my dad from getting all kinds of "OH! We gotta do ..." ideas in his head -- LOL --

    otherwise, im planning to work on a programming project and a 3d modeling project some as well as church, and I heard something about a football game this weekend I might check out

    Have a great day everyone. @Jim Wiggin, get feeling better quick

  18. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    @Jim Wiggin I don't know the extreme of your illness, but tinkering on a project sure helps me feel better. Maybe you will surprise us in the accomplishments thread.

    Congrats on retirement. You must have enjoyed many aspects of your job if you're willing to stay a bit longer. My job is rough but I do like my bosses and would do the same, for them.
    With so many project posts you have made over the years I can only imagine how much you may accomplish with more time on your hands.
  19. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Thank you!!
    I have enjoyed my work. I'm staying the two extra weeks for my boss. I've known him for approx 34 years. He has been very good to me. It's the least I could do - to help him out.

    I do have a lot of projects on the ready tracks. - LOL

    Thanks again,
    Tompm, Atani, nscalestation and 4 others like this.
  20. Carl Sowell

    Carl Sowell TrainBoard Supporter

    Jim- take care of yourself and DO NOT let it migrate into something more severe !

    Wolf - You are a "Good Man Charley Brown", I know you are anxious but 2 weeks aren't enough to worry about !

    Next week for me will be a real party. Valentines day and on Thursday 2/15/24, my wife Diane and I will celebrate 61 years of marriage. A lot of give/take but more LOVE !

    Be well !
    Tompm, Atani, Jim Wiggin and 4 others like this.

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