For all you DCC people-what system do you use??

BC Rail King Apr 8, 2000

  1. freddy_fo

    freddy_fo TrainBoard Member

    I have/use the ESU cab control and like that quite a bit. If you use an Android cell phone then the Cab Control handheld should be pretty intuitive as it's an android device using an app for the throttle. There is also also an ESU ECOS app you can install on your cell phone to use as an alternate handheld as well. It gets really easy when placing a new loco with a railcom+ decoder on the track as the system automatically detects and adds to the locomotive menu in the app. Most north american sound equipped locos now ship with ESU/Railcom+ decoders so setup is pretty painless with those.

    I do have a zephyr for an upcoming z layout but haven't used it much other than to test that it works. Seems pretty nice though especially for the price which is why I got it.

    My first DCC was a Fleischmann handheld that came as part of a complete DCC set. I think the controller is actually a rebranded Roco as they both looked identical. It did it's job well and got me into DCC. Menu system was a bit complex just for switching between locos. After having boxed it up for several years then needing it again for troubleshooting a couple of locos I had to re-read the manual to refresh my memory on how it worked lol.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    sams, BarstowRick and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. Allen H

    Allen H TrainBoard Supporter

    I started with Digitrax Wireless Chief in 1998, still have it.
    It was a Love/Hate relationship at first.
    But then all I had to control it was those damned DT100 throttles!! :mad::mad::mad:

    About year or so later they came out with the DT400d's (later converted to the DT402d's) and it was a game changer for me.
    No more remembering what buttons to push to get to the proper choice. It made it so much easier to use.
    I also picked up several of the UT4d's.

    Just recently I acquired the new UT6d's, it was well worth it.
    Between the DT402d's, UT6d's and learning JMRI, I'm content.

    But I'm sure there are better systems out there nowadays.
    A buddy ditched his Old Digitrax Chief and went to ESU Cab Control because he wanted sound. His older Chief couldn't handle sound due to the age of his Chief. So far he likes his ESU system...
  3. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I like your last sentence the best. I think I will stay there for the few years I have left, and little space and income.
    sams, BarstowRick, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  4. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    Yep. DCC is amazing. It also can be a PIA. I just want to run trains and, with no permanent layout, it is of no benefit. If I was part of club with large layout, I would certainly bite the bullet. I'm not. I only offer words of advice to those with modest layouts. If you really don't NEED DCC, then why??
    sams, BarstowRick, BNSF FAN and 3 others like this.
  5. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member


    My test track is small and I can run DC or DCC on it with the flip of a switch. Run both but enjoy the ...


    ... DCC and the hand throttle much more. We are all different so nice there are a lot of options out there.

    sams, BarstowRick, sidney and 3 others like this.
  6. GP40X

    GP40X TrainBoard Member

    Started out with a DSC51 Zephyr Extra and a UT4D throttle (Tethered at home & duplex on the club's SuperChief system). Upgraded to a UT6D for club operations and still run tethered at home. I just purchased a Zephyr Express (DSC52) as I liked the interface on the UT6D so much. So now I have a Zephyr express (command station & throttle), Zephyr Extra (booster/auto reverser/throttle), a UT6D & UT4D throttles and have the ability to run the layout using JMRI off of the laptop too. This is definitely overkill for the small home T-Trak layout but comers in handy if the T-Trak club has two exhibits. Also since I am using one as a command station and the other as a booster, if there is an track power issue on one main, the other main can still run.
    sams, BarstowRick, OleSmokey and 2 others like this.
  7. Rossford Yard

    Rossford Yard TrainBoard Member

    A bit OT to my own post, but in that time period, I was watching live golf on TV and they said they would be interviewing the architect (a friend of mine) after the commerical break. Just then, my phone rings, and it is him, asking which DCC system I was considering. I think if I was about to be interviewed on National TV, I would be thinking about potential answers, talking points, etc., but he couldn't get his mind off his potential upcoming DCC conversion. He says "Gotta Go" and then I see him on the TV screen.

    BTW, he has passed, and could never make up his mind. There was a lot of fear about DCC when this thread was started in 2000 and our discussion was often about just that. Frankly, if I didn't have to pick up and move my layout to my post divorce town home, which required removing and reconnecting a LOT of wiring, I may have never converted myself, who knows.
  8. umtrr-author

    umtrr-author TrainBoard Member

    Twenty three years later and the, ahem, discussions, continue...

    Well, they are mostly civil here--!!! (Unlike... ah, never mind.)

    Let's not forget the additional variable that wasn't around in the Year 2000: controlling trains using smartphones. (I'll pass. I prefer to hold my smartphone as little as possible.)

    BTW, still using my NCE PowerCab.
  9. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I started out with a Pi-Sprog3, and liked it quite a bit. My only gripe is that you have to shut down the OS before powering it off, or it will corrupt it's filesystem. I think the newest R-Pi just announced has a safe power-down button on it.

    I now have a TCS CS-105 bundle with the UWT-50 throttle. I haven't gotten to really use it to it's potential yet, but what I have done, I really like (especially the UWT-50). The system has Railcom, but not RailCom+ (which is the automatic identification of new locos placed on the layout). But RailCom by itself is really nice for programming on the main with full read-back (as well as fast and does not affect motion). The UWT-50 is selectable to operate via LCC over WiFi, or via the Wi-Throttle protocol over WiFi on other DCC systems, via JMRI or proprietary WiFi interfaces.

    Wired LCC via CANbus is also provided by the CS-105, to talk to trackside peripherals (signals, switches, etc.) LCC is designed to work (once configured) without having something like JMRI running on a computer nearby.
    sams, BarstowRick, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  10. OleSmokey

    OleSmokey TrainBoard Member

    I started with the Bachmann dcc controller and was just enough to get me interested in using dcc for all my trains. I got a smallish layout so a digitrax DSC 51 has been running my layout for around 8 years now. The bachmann died so it went the way of old electronics. I can handle more than 3 engines and even with sound it works well. If i ever need another one it will be the DSC 52 i am sure
    sams, BarstowRick, MK and 3 others like this.
  11. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    I started with a forked version of DCC++ (which eventually was transferred to DCC++EX team), moved over to my from scratch ESP32 CS... and more recently moved to a a new DCC system that hasn't been publicly announced (yet). I'll be at Amherst in Jan with demos of my current system for those that might be in the area!
    sams, tonkphilip, BarstowRick and 3 others like this.
  12. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    I started with watching a B-mann system at a train show. Then bumped into and operated a digitrax zephyr system. Moving right along. A fellow BVMR's bought three used MRC systems from someone in Barstow, Ca. Even though I advised them it was a Leaverite. As in stay away from used electronic components. I hope I said that right. The three of them sold for next to nothing. The thinking is how can we lose? We did. It didn't seem to be compatible with any of our decoders. We tried a number of them. I wrote it off to our inexperience and know how.

    Not sure where I'm headed next. So far I'm wiring up for Analog DC since I don't have any working decoders.

    Just one of those things.
    sams, DeaconKC, BigJake and 2 others like this.
  13. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    MRC systems are really decent for what they are, I have an MRC Prodigy Advance2 system (including wireless throttle and PC hookup) for research purposes.

    After Amherst I can share more info on what I've been working on and where it is going next...
    sams, tonkphilip and BNSF FAN like this.
  14. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    Way back when DCC was becoming popular, I made the mistake of mentioning at one of the local train stores that I had a milling machine. At that time there were few DCC ready locomotives and in N Scale you had to mill a pocket into the locomotive frame to mount a hard wired decoder. So after them making me an offer that I could not refuse I started contracting to mill frames. Next thing you know they asked me to just go ahead, while I had things apart, and install the decoders. Then I had to check them out to verify that they would work, so they loaned me a booster and throttle to program and check the installation. Finally, every time I set up my NTRAK modules with other clubs, they seemed to always dedicate the red line to DCC. If I wanted to run on the red line I had to have DCC locomotives. By then I knew how to install and program decoders so I just had to do it for myself for a change. As I had been dealing with mostly DIGITRAX, that's what I went with. Got a Chief system and went from there.
    sams, MK, DeaconKC and 3 others like this.
  15. Dogwood

    Dogwood TrainBoard Member

    I use Digitrax system.Digitrax Zephyr and Digitrax Chief with DT402.
    sams, MK, mtntrainman and 2 others like this.
  16. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    I enjoy DCC from a comfortable distance. Kind of like watching the whales from outside of the splash zone.
    sams, DeaconKC and BigJake like this.
  17. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I've noticed a lot of y'all use Digitrax systems, which is great!

    RR-CirKits offers a Loconet to LCC bidirectional translator. With it, you can use LCC trackside devices with a Loconet (Digitrax) system, or use Digitrax Loconet devices on an LCC (e.g. TCS) system.

    And the CS-105 can use NCE throttles as well.

    It's really cool to see products offered that bridge different systems together, so we all have more choices for growth or replacement, no matter what system we're currently invested in.

    RR-CirKits also offers a variety of LCC- or Loconet-compatible trackside accessory interfaces, for occupancy detection, signal control, switch throwing, etc.
    sams likes this.
  18. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Be careful; DCC's addictive!
    sams, MK and r_i_straw like this.
  19. NorsemanJack

    NorsemanJack TrainBoard Member

    Actually, for me, it's not. I "took the first drink" and decided that it just wasn't something I wanted. I certainly appreciate the appeal for those with large layouts or club involvements. At this point in my ever-shortening life, I just occasionally want to see a train run around a loop of track. Yes, this is how old Model Railroaders........
    sams, Shortround, country joe and 3 others like this.
  20. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    And then there's always natural immunity!
    sams likes this.

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