Era for Athearn FMC boxcars?

dave n Aug 3, 2005

  1. dave n

    dave n TrainBoard Supporter

    Does anyone have any data that says any of these boxcars (Athearn) were on the rails in 1995?

    - Port of Tillamook Bay
    - Oregon Pacific & Eastern
    - City of Prineville

    Thanks in advance!
  2. JDLX

    JDLX TrainBoard Member

    Out of that list, only the City of Prineville for sure had such cars in 1995. The COP once had 400 boxcars leased from Itel they continue to roster 139. They were out and about in the mid-1990's, but most (if not all) have been sitting in Prineville ever since.

    I have a picture of a COP boxcar on my High Desert Rails website at the following:

    A good many of the COP boxcars turned back to Itel Rail ended up on Itel Rail's McCloud River Railroad, where many got MR reporting marks and numbers. I have a picture of one such car on my McCloud Rails page at: (scroll down the page).

    There is a remote possibility that some of the Port of Tillamook Bay cars may have been around then, but if any were they were heavily weathered and carried someone else's reporting marks (BN, LVRC, or maybe a couple others). POTB turned all of their boxcars back to the lessor by the late 1980's. There is a picture of one of POTB's cars (brand new! on Jody Moore's POTB site at:

    The OP&E had boxcars primarily due to the influence of Kyle Railways, which owned half of the company up until 1988. I doubt that any such cars remained on the OP&E after 1988, as Kyle Railways sold their half of the railroad at that time. Any remaining boxcars likely would have been either returned to their lessor or transferred to other Kyle railroads at that time.

    I hope this helps.

    Jeff Moore
    Elko, NV
  3. dave n

    dave n TrainBoard Supporter

    Jeff -
    I was hoping you would see my post! Thanks for the wealth of information. I should have checked your web site first!

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