Engine Wobble Fix

squirrelkinns Mar 24, 2001

  1. squirrelkinns

    squirrelkinns Deleted

    If you are tried of having Atlas replace the power trucks on your locos there is an easy fix. It has to do with the wheel wiper inside the truck being bent out of shape thus allowing the axle too much float side-to-side. it is an easy fix really! You just open the truck, take the wipers and flaten them on a flat surface (glass is best for this), line them back up on the aligning studs and axle ends and then snap the side frame back on. :eek:
  2. squirrelkinns

    squirrelkinns Deleted

    I thought I'd better state this here and now. I'm not an Atlas hater, I own ten, soon to be twelve, of their chinese production engines and I'm an encureable tinkerer that is how I found this fix for the wheel wobble. It has worked for me and every one else in my club who has experinced this problem, there has been only one engine that it has not fixed and that is one of the "new" B-23-7's and Atlas is sending a new set for that unit.

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