EEprom backup?

OzLodger Aug 13, 2019

  1. OzLodger

    OzLodger TrainBoard Member

    Hi folks,

    I'm in the early stages of setting up turnouts etc in DCC++ and a horrible thought has occurred to me. If I later decide to change from a Uno to a Mega Arduino, how do I transfer the accessory data? This could also be an issue in a dog-chewed-my-arduino situation. I would like to avoid having to re-key it all if possible.

    Just wondering if anyone has a method for backing up the EEprom data to another external device so that it could be used for transfer/restore?

    I've searched here and the internet generally but nothing's jumped out at me so far.

  2. OzLodger

    OzLodger TrainBoard Member

    After a bit more research, I think I've found a way:

    1) Create an ASCII file with my turnout data etc as per from
    2) Add/Modify the ASCII file whenever new accessories are created in JMRI
    Then, when disaster occurs:
    4) Load DCC++ Base Station onto new Arduino
    4) Load JMRI onto new Arduino
    5) Run CsvToTurnouts script.
    6) In JMRI, run Configure Base Station and Save

    Or, an alternative could be to keep a backup of Turnouts.XML from JMRI, load that onto the new Arduino and then run Configure Base Station. Any way, looks like I've got a couple of potential options. Phew!


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