I don't fancy the standard paint CSX cab on these, but they're still a welcome sight, even if stylized. In this case, the Chessie System lettering should be much larger, but that would get expensive. [11/27/1981, Cumberland, MD]
Saw yesterday that the Seaboard System unit is on the loose. Word is it rolled through the ATL a little after dark:30 last night
I hope to see one sometime. A number of fans are upset over the stylized paint, but these are a giant step beyond CSX's silly "sticker" units with tiny heralds pasted on them. For legacy's sake, here's U-36B 5776 at Montgomery, AL, April 1986. The SBD was a good railroad. I worked for a large shipper at the time and we had excellent local sales support, good car supply and reliable service. They began to rival NS in these things and that's high praise.
Agreed! I've not seen a list of what's planned, but they could consider A&WP, ACL, B&O (done), C&O, Chessie (done), CC&O, CR, GARR, L&N, Monon, NC&St.L, NYC, NYNH&H, PM, P&N, P&LE, RF&P, SBD (done), SCL, WM, WRofA and SAL.
L&N is out of the paint shop and on the road, the 6th by CSX. The L&N was chartered in 1850, hence the unit's number.
The ACL unit just arrived from the paint shop at Waycross. So far we have B&O, Chessie System, SBD, CR, C&O, L&N and ACL. [CSX picture]
Same sort of theme as with the CSX 6914 with the railfan-added Chessie front hood, as posted here by @BNSF FAN several months ago, although the RF&P attempt gets additional style points for its modern, blended adaptation.