For you folks who run steam, like steam, or have seen it your opinion what is the best 4-4-0 on the market today? I am currently running two Rivarossi 4-4-0's and am pleased with the way they run, but have been displeased with the whole tender drive arrangement . I have gone to MDC kits for other engines (2-8-0's and tanks) but to date have only completed one. Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies!
I think IHC makes 4-4-0s also. The motor is also in the tender, but it has a driveshaft that powers the locos drivers. I used to have a narrow gauge 4-4-0 with this type of drive and it ran very well.....Mike ------------------ Its only Money !!
I should have explained that it is the connecting drive shaft that bothers me . I love the way my engines run, but the shaft from the tender to the engine takes away from the realism of the model I think. Anyway, I bought one of the new IHC models for my middle boy. I had to regauge the wheelset to NMRA standards before it would stay on the track, but after that it ran like a boy and I are very pleased with its performance also , but again there is the pesky drive shaft. Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies! [This message has been edited by JCater (edited 26 August 2000).]
<font color="336633">i was thinking about getting a MDC 4-4-0,but i got a few questions about it, whats it run like? is it easy to repower? is the valve gear ok? i dont really mind what the detailing is like as it will be "modernised" and detialed up. one problem that i will have though is i want to use a vandy tender on it and if the motor is in it that might be difficult</font> ------------------ Matthew wheres all the C636's???? Matts Photo gallery
The MDC kits are different. The motors are in the engine, not the tender like the other models. As far as I know, you can get most of their kits with Vandy tenders. The kits are easy to remotor and I have been very happy with the valve mechanism. The only thing about the kits is that you must be very precise and careful in their construction, one small piece slightly out of place and the model simply will not run well. Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies!
<font color="336633">but havent the MDC kits got brass wheels?? or have they now got nickel silver ones?</font> ------------------ Matthew wheres all the C636's???? Matts Photo gallery
The MDC kits I have all have brass wheel sets , but I think these are easily replaced. Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies!
JCater- Now I understand Probably the only way to get rid of that driveshaft would be to remotor the loco. I remember an article in MR or RMC many years ago by Jon Olson where he went through step by step on how he did this for some his locos. Looks fairly complicated though. Aniother option(although I aint to sure about this one) Would be to use the tender from a ModelPower 2-8-0. I think the motor is in the tender AND drives the tender wheels on this one, Sort od like a deisel drive. HTH...Mike ------------------ Its only Money !!
Thanks Mike for the info. I'll have to check into the article, sounds like an interesting challenge !! Good luck, and Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JCater: The MDC kits I have all have brass wheel sets , but I think these are easily replaced. Happy Modeling!! John <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <font color="336633">who makes the wheels?? not just for the 4-4-0 but also for the others that MDC make</font> ------------------ Matthew wheres all the C636's???? Matts Photo gallery
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StickyMonk: I'm not certain of the manufacturer(s), but a little checking on the net should easily answer the question...if I get a chance I'll do that, but this is the week I move to my new house so things are a bit crazy !! Happy Modeling!! John ------------------ The Colorado and Southwestern, Top of the Rockies!