Athearn covered hopper Micro-Trains conversion coupler

denny99 Jan 11, 2025

  1. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    I recently purchased an Athearn SP Covered Hopper - a beautifully crafted model, with lots of fine details on the underboby. But I digress.

    I use Micro-Trains couplers exclusively, but I never came across this specific couplers. I wonder if there is a MT conversion. I looked up on website, but if they only had photos of the products, in the product detail page :)

    Any idea on what MT coupler can be used to replace the factory installed?

    Thanks in advance
    tonkphilip and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    That would not be a typical MT coupler.....I've never seen a coupler like that and I don't think there is a direct MT replacement. But if the coupler pocket is wide enough on the car, you might be able to slip a standard 1015/1016 into the slot, and with luck a MT screw will thread into the hole and hold it in place. But the post that the current coupler sits on is going to be an issue and it will need to be removed.......and if an MT coupler won't fit inside the current couple box, you will need to grind that down as well. Option #2 would be to try a truck mounted coupler, but that may require grinding on the current coupler box as well. Does the Athearn coupler cause issues? You might be further ahead to leave it as is. I realize you said you use MTs exclusively, but you may be opening a whole can of worms by trying to change. I have a little (if you can call 900+ cars a little) of everything and I run what comes on the cars UNLESS they cause issues, and only then do I start modifying.
    BNSF FAN, MK, denny99 and 1 other person like this.
  3. NtheBasement

    NtheBasement TrainBoard Member

    If I take the lid off an MTL truck coupler it has a similar post. Don't all MTL couplers have them?

    An MTL truck with coupler might not work. I was surprised to see on on my hopper (which came with truck mounted couplers) that Athearn uses a post and screw instead of the hole and pin that everyone else in the industry attaches trucks to cars with, same as in your pic. But surprise! The posts' diameter is a lot smaller than the hole in the MTL truck, giving the hopper an occasional severe lean. Good reason for me not to buy Athearn.

    My Athearn truck's coupler box interior is also not as tall as MTL either, so if you do convert the coupler box then the coupler height could end up too low.
    BNSF FAN, denny99 and tonkphilip like this.
  4. Ike the BN Freak

    Ike the BN Freak TrainBoard Member

    1015/1016, but being the Athearn box doesn't have the pin guides for the self centering of the MTs, you'll lose that feature. Personally I haven't had any issues running McHenry couplers which Athearn uses
  5. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks everyone! I have yet to properly test the car, so the factory-installed coupler might work with no issues. I suspected an easy conversion wasn't possible, and I would like to avoid heavily modifying the car.

    I'll see if a 1015 would fit (even though I doubt it, and I have confirmation from this thread), otherwise I'll keep the McHenry.
    tonkphilip, BNSF FAN and MK like this.
  6. umtrr-author

    umtrr-author TrainBoard Member

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  7. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    Good to know about the truck mounting issue........thanks. So now we apparently have 3 different mounting methods.....the Bachmann large post with screw, the Athearn small post with screw and everyone else (medium hole with a pin).
  8. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    Thank you. I assume the instructions for a 70-ton hopper apply to a covered hopper, as well. In that case:

    Instructions: Body Mount: (1) File off .020" (0.5 mm) from underside of mounting pad on diecast underframe. (2) Drull out coupler mounting screw hole using #56 drill and tap for 00-90 screw. (3) Trim off about .050" (1.25 mm) from rear of assembled #1023 (001 02 009)/1025 draft gear box so it is even with the ends of the coupler shanks. (4) File the rounded outward facing part of body bolster flat just enough to fit into the mounting pad. (5) Trim the truck bolster on one side so that it doesn't rub the draft gear box. MTL Truck Replacement: File off .025" (0.65 mm) from underside of coupler mounting.

    Not the easiest, and it's also irreversible. I think I'll stick with the McHenry couplers :)
    BNSF FAN and tonkphilip like this.
  9. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    Just what Athearn loves to hear. ;)
    MK, tonkphilip, Allen H and 2 others like this.
  10. mtntrainman

    mtntrainman TrainBoard Supporter

    I think it is that external spring that worries me...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025 at 11:05 PM
    denny99, MK, tonkphilip and 1 other person like this.
  11. denny99

    denny99 TrainBoard Member

    Ahaha, true! But that's just because I have many other cars that either need a repaint job or upgraded trucks/couplers and are a lot easier than the Athearn covered hoppers to work with. I'll get back on them in the future. Maybe.
    tonkphilip and BNSF FAN like this.
  12. Many Trains

    Many Trains TrainBoard Member

    Sadly, I have indeed had this happen with McHenry couplers. And once gone, you ain't gonna reinstall it (if you can even find it).

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