A New LNE Caboose

Tompm Jan 26, 2004

  1. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    Here is one the projects I finished recently. This a Lehigh & New England Caboose that I recently finished from an undecorated MDC kit.



    MDC/Roundhouse Caboose Unlettered 2-Window (3470)
    Kadee # 5 couplers
    P2K 33" Flat Back Metal Wheels

    Undercoat: Folk Art Dove Gray (708) thinned 1:1 with blue windshield washer fluid
    Sealer: Plaid Clear Acrylic Sealer-Matte (CS200306)
    Final Colors: Apple Barrel Kings Gold (20760) thinned 2:1 with blue windshield washer fluid
    Apple Barrel Red Apple (20784) thinned 2:1 with blue windshield washer fluid
    Base: Folk Art Licorice (938) thinned 2:1 with blue windshield washer fluid
    Sealer: Testors Glosscoat

    Decals: Walthers Box Car Lehigh & New England WHT 67-15
    Sealer: Testors Dullcoat

    Wash: Folk Art Charcoal Gray (613) 2 parts; Folk Art Licorice (938) 1 part; thinned 5:1 with blue windshield washer fluid
    Sealer: Testors Dullcoat

    Paint: Apple Barrel Terra Cotta (20845), Folk Art Aspaltum (476)

    Paint: Folk Art Charcoal Gray (613)
    Drybrush: Americana Burnt Sienna, Folk Art Aspaltum (476)
  2. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Looks great Tom! One question, did it come with those ladders? And are they metal? Looks to be, I need to get my hands on some metal ones like that, but long ones....!
  3. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter


    Thanks for the compliments.

    The ladders are metal and a pain to work with. They come standard with MDC/Roundhouse's Caboose kits.
  4. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Tom, do you have the instruction sheet for that caboose kit yet? I would like to have a copy of it!

    Actually, being you build alot of cars, I would pay you the cost of having each assembly sheet copied, plus cost of snail mailing them to me! Thats if you would want too.... Or if you throw out the instruction sheets, save them for me an I'll pay you to mail them to me to go in my scrap book of assembly sheets for parts that I'm putting together! If you have any thoughts of this e-mail me from my e-mail address in my signature an we can discuss this through e-mail.

    I've been trying to "collect" all an any assembly schematics as possible, all companies, Athearn, MDC, Walthers, Acurail, etc To make a loose leaf 3 ring binder with them for referece. I'm even looking for engine schematics as well. whith loco's that come with alittle assembly clean up to a full assembly.

    I make a separate 3 ring binder for each company, in sections to what loco or car, an type etc. so its like a big catalog basically.

    Forgot to say, your more then welcome on the compliments, that comes from one professional to another, very nice work indeed!
  5. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter


    I pretty much save all the instructions for my models, or at least I try to do so. I would be willing to committ some copier abuse and copy what I have. I have instructions for rolling stock, locomotives, and structure kits. Give me a few days to assemble a list.
  6. 7600EM_1

    7600EM_1 Permanently dispatched

    Tom, Not a problem! I would greatly appreciate it.... Contact me me using my e-mail in my signature for the list! I would be willing to have every one you have copied, except the structure kits, but I'm not giving that some thought too! As I could buy spare building parts for my kitbashed building, an even a scratchbuilt building! I look forwards in hearing from you on this!

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