A fugitive from the Z and N forum Possible switch to HO

wozzek Mar 8, 2013

  1. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow looks like I am not the only one to sell my whole N scale collection and move to HO. I was the same a large layout for continuous running but now my new layout will be switching.

    Will be good to get more activity on the HO forum here. I have my first order of exactrail cars due this week.
  2. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm still on the fence with this, mainly due to space, which is why I switched to N from HO back in 1993. Even my 6X3 foot N scale layout is big for my room I have right now. I want an around the wall set up based on a prototype but I only have enough room for an L shape on one corner of the room, 4 feet in one direction, 5 in the other. Even with a GP7 or 9 that is tight. I could do a nice switching layout in N but I'm right back to feeling frustrated with performance, non scale switch throws, and other annoying scale problems. My railroad time has also been cut drastically, I would rather spend my time enjoying the hobby again rather than cursing at detail parts that most people wont see any way.
  3. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    With the room you described you should be able to build a decent switching layout. Walthers makes some background kits for industries that are only about 2 inches deep meant to be put against a backdrop. These could afford you some switching opportunities without taking up valuable real estate. I am just starting on my last section of layout which will have a roundhouse and turntable along with a yard, and I will be ordering some of these kits myself in order to have additional switching. I have also seen numerous articles in model railroad magazines that have had small switching layouts offering plenty of switching in a limited space similar to what you have available.
  4. wozzek

    wozzek E-Mail Bounces

    Got the Climax logger in today and have been running it on my test loop on and off ever since. Love that sound! I decided to include a link to a youtube video of the same Climax that I purchased, his layout has a wonderful high and long wooden trestle. I didn't think seeing on a test loop would be to exciting for you. Looks really super on a completed layout. I need to get going on that next. DCC is the way to go for me, the NCE unit is easy to use and good for a beginner because it's all in one box.

  5. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I'm sure you're going to enjoy that locomotive. Don't stay up too late.

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