45G permanence inches closer

William C. Vantuono Feb 15, 2019

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  1. HR 510’s companion bill, S 203, has been introduced in the Senate, where it has already garnered 18, including the original 11, co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle.

    “Clearly there is at least one thing Congress can agree on: the need to invest in small railroad infrastructure that keeps goods moving from small town and rural America into the U.S. and world economies,” said Chuck Baker, newly installed ASLRRA President. “Short lines provide the critical first and last mile from farms, energy facilities, and factories to reach their domestic and international suppliers and customers. In five states, we are the only form of rail transportation, and in 36 states, we operate more than 25% of the railroad route-miles. This credit provides the ability for railroads to invest more of their private dollars in infrastructure improvements, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods for our more than 10,000 customers.

    “We urge Congress to act now to extend the short line tax credit into 2019 and beyond. Delaying action defers the benefits of this credit to all the thousands of customers and communities that depend on it.”

    For more on the Short Line 45G Tax Credit, visit www.aslrra.org.

    The post 45G permanence inches closer appeared first on Railway Age.

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