LAYOUT PARTY 2024-2025 Seventeenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

ppuinn Dec 13, 2024

  1. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    "We know you're out there!
    Yeah, you… and you… and you with the potato chip hanging off your lip and the half-drunk beverage sitting beside you. We know you're not working on your layout as much as you hoped to."

    Rick Nicholson (Screen name: rsn48) issuing the first Layout Party invitation in Spring 2002.

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 Seventeenth Annual International Winter Layout Party!

    You may have ideas for a new project that you always wanted to try but never got around to.
    Or there is a stack of kits on your workbench you’ve been meaning to start.
    Or you have a partially completed project that has been neglected for far too long.
    Or you have an almost-finished project that just needs some final fine-tuning and attention to complete.
    Or you are already in the midst of a project and you want to participate in the Party to share your progress with everyone else.

    The purpose of the Layout Party is to offer recognition, encouragement, and support to all participants who are working on a layout project, and to provide inspiration to those following others’ progress in the thread. We hope to have a group of people who will post about the work completed on their layout at least once a week for the next 11 weeks. We will, of course, congratulate those who have worked on their layout, and encourage those who haven't.

    This year's Layout Party officially begins this weekend (Friday December 13, 2024), and will run for 11 weeks until Sunday, March 2, 2025.

    Guidelines for The 2024-2025 Seventeenth Annual International Winter Layout Party Thread:

    1. In your first post, please include descriptions of:
    --your layout (brief),
    --the area of your layout that you intend to work on (“before” pictures, please…if available), and
    --a description of what you hope to accomplish in the 11 weeks of the Layout Party.

    2. At least once each week, post a brief description and/or pictures of your progress--or lack of progress--so far, and what you hope to accomplish in the next week. The object of the Layout Party is to have fun, so plan accordingly: set a reasonable goal...and feel free to revise your goal upward or downward as you go along, so you are having fun instead of feeling stressed.
    A Note to New Participants: Please don't stress yourself about posting. Some people write long progress reports, some write short ones; some have lots of pics, some have 0; some post 2 or 3 times/week, some only get 2 or 3 posts for the entire Party. This is a PARTY! Have FUN.

    3. At the end of the Layout Party, post a description and/or picture(s) of your accomplishments.

    FWIW: Some observations and suggestions:

    • Life Happens. The idea here is for us to have some fun and act as an electronic support group so we can each get more done on our layouts.
    • Make a firm commitment to post at least once each week about progress on your layout project.
    • If you fall off the Layout Party Work Wagon, acknowledge it by reporting it honestly.
    • Then climb back on the Layout Party Work Wagon. Declaring exactly what you plan to work on during the next week will help you get back on the Layout Party Work Wagon.
    • When we have others coming over to see our layouts, we tend to get more done because we plan and prepare better, and then actually follow through so we have something to show our visitors and can garner some strokes for all our efforts. Posting in the Annual Layout Party works in much the same way: we plan, prepare, and follow through a little better when we know someone will be seeing our progress.
    • If you encounter difficulties on the layout project, remember that the other participants and all the TrainBoard members following the Layout Party thread can be a resource for encouragement and problem-solving.
    • If you have any problems posting pics, let us know so we can do appropriate problem-solving.

    Many participants have enjoyed this format and have commented that they accomplished more work on their layout in the short time we ran a Layout Party thread than they had in long time. In the 20+ years since Rick Nicholson set up the first Layout Party, hundreds of TrainBoard members have posted pictures, asked questions, moaned about problems, and encouraged others who were working through their own frustrations. Check out these links to our past layout parties.

    2023-2024 Sixteenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2022-2023 Fifteenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2021-2022 Fourteenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2020-2021 Thirteenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2019-2020 Twelfth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2018-2019 Eleventh Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2017-2018 Tenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2016-2017 Ninth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2015-2016 Eighth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2014-2015 Seventh Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2013-2014 Sixth Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2012-2013 Fourth Annual International Winter Layout Party (Really, it was the Fifth Annual)

    2011-2012 Third Annual International Winter Layout Party (Really, it was the Fourth Annual)

    2010-2011 Third Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2009-2010 Second Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2009 - First Annual International Winter Layout Party

    2008 - Spring Layout Party
    Sixth Annual International Spring Layout Party -

    2007 - Spring Layout Party
    Fifth Annual International Spring Layout Party -

    2005 – Spring Layout Party
    Door Knocker's Delight

    2004 – Spring Layout Party

    2003 – Spring Layout Party
    From Armchair to Benchwork

    2002 – Spring Layout party
    Lonely Heart's Club Band
    Tompm, MetraMan01, BoxcabE50 and 8 others like this.

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Well folks, I'll dive in first here. Not sure how this will all play out but here are my ideas for what to do for this years Winter Layout Party.

    Will start with the creek scene on my layout. If you follow my layout thread then you know my creek had issues and I just recently removed it. Now it's time for a rebuild. Here is what it is today as the party starts. Where it goes from this remains a question.

    As part of re building the creek, I also plan to update or enhance the scenery around it. Will do some of that by learning how to do static grass. That should be entertaining.

    Depending on how those two projects go, I may also dive into redoing this section of road. I really need to up my game when it comes to roads. I know I can, just have to do it
    So what's everyone else thinking of doing? :D
    Tompm, ppuinn, MetraMan01 and 10 others like this.
  3. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    This year I have several partially completed projects that I'd like to finish during this Layout Party:
    On my N-scale layout:
    1. 21 steel coil loads for gondolas--9 coils per gondola = 189 coils (each 9/16" long) have been cut from 24" long 3/8" diameter tubes wrapped with
    thread and painted with an under coat of metallic silver (done); 16 of 21 coils have been shortened to 5/16" and 1/8" thick washers have been glued to each end...5 more need to be shortened and have steel washers glued to both ends; 16 sets of 9 coils (four 9/16" coils on either side of a short coil with washers glued to each end) have been glued to a plastic base, so all 9 coils in a gondola load may be removed at the same time by lifting the washers on the center coil with a magnet glued to the end of a wooden dowel...5 more sets of 9 coils need to be glued to a plastic base; 11 of the 16 loads glued to their plastic base have been painted in a top coat of metallic steel blue... 10 more still need their top coat of metallic steel blue (5 sets are already glued to their plastic base, and 5 sets that have not been glued to their base, yet); All 11 loads painted steel blue need to be "cleaned up" [the blue paint is too thick and must be filed or sanded back to make load insertion and removal go more smoothly].
    2. 21 steel billet loads for gondolas--8 to 10 billets per gondola = 200 billets (each billet is 1/32" square plastic rod, cut to 50 n-scale feet long);
    7 of 21 plastic bases have been cut to fit into an N-scale 50' gondola, scribed with lines at 1 foot intervals to simulate a gondola floor, and painted with black magnetic paint (so the billet load may be removed from the gondola with a magnet... 14 of 21 bases have not yet been cut, scribed, or painted with magnetic paint; 7 sets of 8 to 10 billets have been glued to the painted base and painted with an undercoat of black magnetic paint and, when dry, painted with a top coat of metallic steel blue... 14 of 21 billet loads need to be glued to the scribed base and painted with magnetic paint and then metallic blue steel paint.
    3. 19 black gons and 2 black hoppers for in-plant use only at Keystone Steel Mill--17 black gons and 2 black hoppers are already "patched" over as "KS service only"...2 black gons still need their RR heralds patched over and KS lettering added.
    4. Replace cardboard mock-ups of 3 gantry cranes in the Keystone Steel Mill Charging Yard with 3D printed legs and Evergreen plastic I-beams. 4a. Fashion a cab and trolley for all three. 5. Look into animating the Keystone crane dropping a weight on damaged ingot molds from the open hearth furnace to break them into pieces small enough to be remelted in the OHF or EAF.

    Layout Party goals for my HO switching layout:
    6. Make assorted minor repairs on 27 craftsman kit structures and scratch-built structures recently given to me and our NMRA Division by a 97 y/o Master Model RRer for my helping him trouble-shoot and repair his layout in the past and for currently helping him take down his layout in preparation for a March 2025 move to a small senior apartment. Three or four of the structures will go onto my HO switching layout; I have already passed 4 structures on to Ken B, the modeler who helps me weekly on my own layout (and I help him weekly on his layout...see my Layout Party goals for working on his layout below); and the remainder will go to my NMRA Division for adding to the modules we display at train shows, or for including in the starter kits or offering individual structures as prizes given away at train show raffles or door prizes at NMRA Division events.

    Layout Party goals for working on Ken B's Layout: These goals are a lower priority and often are not addressed because we're trouble shooting other issues.
    7. Make some progress on the kitbash of the furniture manufacturing building or on designing the lumber shed on the other side of the track from the furniture manufacturing building.

    I'll try to post pictures in the morning.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
    Tompm, MetraMan01, BoxcabE50 and 9 others like this.
  4. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    Commitment to any progress is my plan as there are always headwinds. That's ok. Once I dig in I tend to make big progress.

    For this layout party I plan to;

    1) Consolidate all my model railroad items into the layout/garage space and create a dedicated workbench so I am more likely to sit down and get to work.

    2) Finish the mainline on my layout so I can enjoy running trains and overcome the challenges of running long trains on the layout.

    The current status of the layout has operable staging(top level along clock and garage door walls), a functional helix(under TV), a nice running Kaiser yard(switching destination on left), and one end of the yard(lower level under clock) is fully operational. The base of the benchwork is complete and ready for more mainline progress.

  5. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    As a side note I plan to look back at the old layout parties to see where I once was.
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 2 others like this.
  6. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Welcome to the Party, BNSF Fan!

    Check out pages 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of my Layout Projects Album for some n-scale examples of paved roads made with 1/4" gray foamboard (the best, IMO), or with cardboard painted gray (good, as long as the edges don't pop up over time or using diluted glue to secure scenery or blended turf nearby doesn't wick under the cardboard and cause warping or wrinkling of the cardboard), or plaster painted gray (my least preferred, because a] it was messy, b] I didn't sand down the road surface to be super flat before I painted it gray, so any minor dips and humps were extremely noticeable when I added straight lane stripes, and c] accumulation of nicks, gouges, and cracks over time almost always revealed white under the gray).

    As far as water attempt to use a commercial product to simulate a flowing stream on my layout in the 1980s was great...for about 10 minutes, until I discovered it was leaking out and making a lake on the rug under the layout, instead. Since then, I've settled for dry, sandy, tree-hidden creeks, or I've made drainage ditches and settling ponds using 1/4" foam board spray painted with glossy brown enamel paint. The secret method to making the ripples is to inadvertently add dings and bumps one or two at a time over 20 years. I discovered I could produce wonderful pond scum along the edge of the settling ponds by doing a poor job of wiping the dust off the ponds.
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 7 others like this.
  7. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Hi, JP!
    Nice Layout space. Is your long-term plan to have a G-shaped layout or close it into a large circle (with the helix connecting both ends)?
  8. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    An inverted G with the Helix connecting West Colton to Taylor. The other end will be a nolix from West Colton up to Indio via a nolix.

    Here is a rough idea of what I am after. Some things have already changed from this drawing. Beaumont and Banning will be above Loma Linda and around the end of the peninsula. The mainline will then run through the white sands of the lower dessert and connect on the second level to Indio. So continuous staging is Taylor on one end and Indio the other. It is all linear so the only time the train disappears is in the helix and the operator can walk along with it the entire way.

    Screenshot 2024-04-07 105052.png
  9. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Gorgeous Plan, JP! Thanks for posting it.

    I looked through your albums/media. By any chance, do you have additional pics showing "the Dramatic Crossing"? And will there be a comparable location on the Inverted G Plan? Are those (N-scale???) motorcyclists in the picture of the module? If they are, indeed, N-scale and commercially available from somewhere (Woodland Scenics?) or 3D printable, I've got a bar parking lot on my layout that would be improved by their presence.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
    MetraMan01, Atani, Mark Ricci and 2 others like this.
  10. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    The bikers on Piru Creek come in a set from Woodland Scenics. The dramatic crossing will be on the first level at the Colton diamonds and I hope to include an interchange track where I can stage a yard move from the ATSF to the SP and back. Other dramatic crossings will be the train bridge across the mains and a couple road overcrossings.

    Thanks for your interest.
  11. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for getting this started again! I think I've accomplished more being part of the past ones and hopefully this one also and it is great to see what others ate doing. Already some great projects to follow. Mine is centered around three projects that I really need to bring to a close as I haven't done scenery or laid in track in about 8 months or so. Have enjoyed the projects I've been working but really miss those aspects of the hobby also.

    First up, but won't work on them in any order or try to finish one before an other is my ....


    ... my N scale sawmill build. I pursued this build to the point where I've included a lot more detail than I ever envisioned when I started. It has been very educational as I really didn't know much at all about mills before I started other than I got all the lumber for the first house I build from a local one in Wyoming where I lived at the time.

    I'm now on the third rendition of the main building. It still has the original foot print but made the walls taller. I felt the first version was too 'squat' looking. I'll use the inside details shown above and the roofs but not the buildings.


    I made some final mods to the walls and just finished printing them all again. I go through a fair amount of materials before putting files up for others to print. A lot of the mill files are up with info about them on my site ( HERE ) along with links to the print files on


    I'm at the stage on the build where I need to glue the main building together work on the roof trusses some more along with print the roof posts for the green chain roof and then of course paint all of this. I'll put it on the layout but won't do the mill pond or set things in place until I've finished most of the other scenery in that area. The goal is get all the items done and painted including the items shown above that are outside the mill building.

    Next up is a project I'm not even sure why I'm spending so much time on as my layout is DCC but I do have a lot of DC locos that probably won't ever be converted and hope to run them on sections of the layout that can be switched between DC and DCC.


    It is a take off on the DCC throttle I made that I call the HandCab. It is suppose to represent the control stalk in a GP-7/9 cab. No throttle knobs on the HandCab or now the DC version called HandCab-DC. Real engineers didn't use a knob to control a loco and I'll guarantee these will force you to see what it is like to some degree to operate a loco with throttle and brake handles along with a reverser handle.

    The sound part of this build has become very electrical intensive and forced me to learn how to capture and edit sound files and become more proficient at writing code for an Arduino. The throttle has horn, bell and the main prime mover sounds of a 567 diesel found in GP-7's and other engines of the time.

    The part of the throttle that controls the speed and direction is 90% mechanical. The electronics is a $4.00 12V PWM motor controller that one can use for a DC throttle with a simple knob ( HERE ). The mechanical part comes in figuring out a way to control that shaft on the controllert with the throttle and brake levers.


    I just finished designing and printing all of the parts, shown above. I've tested the main control stalk shown in the first image and above right and pretty satisfied with that.

    Need to assemble the case and then finish up on the sound part of the throttle. Getting fairly close on the sound. Probably 75% of the way there.

    The last project I started on thanks to Massey on here presenting the idea behind it. I tried it out....

    ... and I'm happy enough with how it works that I'll continue on with it.

    In summary the goal is to get the sawmill to the point where it could be put in place and get these two DC oriented throttles finished.

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 6 others like this.
  12. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    Once again, I have goals I want to achieve on my layout this winter. I am building a 36’ x 18’ double deck layout in HO Scale around the southern end of my Kanawha, Youngstown & Northern railroad set in 1966-67.

    The layout is fully operational on its mainline between each end of the layout (staging to staging), and has even seen its first operating session. However there are still several areas that need attention. My goals for the 17th Annual Party is as follows:

    1. The yard and industry tracks at Grantsville remain incomplete. This is a critical location that serves as a turnaround point for the local job based out of Spencer, and is home to an aggregates dealer that ships a substantial amount of sand and gravel and receives cement.


    2. Scenery… anywhere and everywhere!


    Plenty needs done and I hope to take a big swing at it this winter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 8 others like this.
  13. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    We’re off to a great start this year!

    In the first 24 hours, we’ve already seen some returning participants’ goals for the 17th Annual party, and likes from new participants and Party veterans.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    MetraMan01, Atani, Mark Ricci and 2 others like this.
  14. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Am overseas and away from my layout until mid January. I always look forward to the winter layout party and when I get home l’ll come up with some small goals that I can do in a few weeks. These may be on some modules as there will be a couple of shows in late February and in April. Until then I’ll be watching.
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 5 others like this.
  15. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    After my trusty old van had to be replaced after 20 years and 250,000 miles, I down sized to an SUV. I can no longer fit all of my 20 foot NTRAK Sugar Land modules (five 4 foot modules) to transport for set up at various train shows. I could rent a van or use a trailer but I really don't want to do that. So, I decided to compress the modules down to four modules. The first module on the left will be discarded as it is basically track, a road, a pond and a bunch of trees. This is also where the yellow line and blue line are routed back to the NTRAK standard connection to another NTRAK module at that end.
    I plan on cutting the next two modules down at the back and replacing the track to cross over them. I will have to modify or do away with some of the structures but think I can wedge most of them in even if they are moved to the "other" side of the tracks. The red lines shown here are not through tracks and just sidings of the main line.
    IMG_6112.JPG The blue line will be re positioned after the back of the module is trimmed forward. The lower yellow line should be colored red here as it now feeds into the red mainline.
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 7 others like this.
  16. country joe

    country joe TrainBoard Member

    My goal this winter is to get this area scenicked.


    The white foam has to be glued down and shaped and I have to build up the ground on the outside of the curve.

    I have to decide what to do with this outside corner.


    The deptessed area between the industrial track and the curve will become a retention pond.


    If I can get this done I will be a very happy model railroader.

    A more immediate project is my DCC system. It’s on this rolling cart right now. I’m planning on putting a skirt around the layout so all the stuff stored underneath is hidden. This isn’t a difficult project but I have to decide what I want to do.

    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, GP30 and 6 others like this.
  17. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Brad said: Am overseas and away from my layout until mid January.

    In some European countries, there may not be startling differences between modern USA and foreign rail service. However, I suspect some TB members who can't travel overseas, might be interested in any pics (both similarities or differences) from rides scheduled on foreign passenger trains between cities or countries; trolleys, trams, or municipal rail systems within a city, such as "The Underground"; or special rail services, such as funicular or cog railways for ascending mountains.

    The Party runs until March 2nd, and you are welcome to drop in at any time!
    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 3 others like this.
  18. Joe B

    Joe B New Member

    I intend to finally get out of the armchair and start a small layout: an N scale double-track twice-around on a 32x80 HCD. I will use my cache of old sectional track and equipment from decades ago. This will be just a basic layout to run some trains while I decide how big and ornate a layout I really care to build.

    In 11 weeks I don't even know if I'll scenic anything, and I'll probably leave the switch machines attached above-board. But it'll be a big step up from nothing.

    MetraMan01, BoxcabE50, Atani and 6 others like this.
  19. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Sumner, Pat, and Russell: Nice seeing you guys posting again this year! Your work has inspired me...and, I suspect, many other TB members.
    MetraMan01, GP30, Atani and 5 others like this.
  20. ppuinn

    ppuinn Staff Member

    Welcome to the Party, Country Joe and Joe B. Is this the first Layout Party you've attended...the posts from both of you look like you are Party veterans.

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