Hi, I'm finally done with the electronics phase of the project. Regards, Barry [MEDIA]
Hi Trainboard folks, Here is this weeks video where I design the control panel for my layout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5UUelZYxOY Enjoy!...
Hi, Here is my latest video where I put all the track down in its final position. I did another video last week where I install a lighted bumper....
In this weeks video, I solder, cut track and test connections. Stay safe everyone! Barry [MEDIA]
Here is the latest in my series. Thanks, Barry [MEDIA]
Hi- Here is my latest Video where I start to lay some track! [MEDIA] Enjoy, Barry
I this one I actually attach the Toporama to the MDF. Enjoy and Happy New Year! Barry [MEDIA]
This one is about my Z-scale Marklin 8910 Toporama restoration costs and value. Happy Holidays! Barry [MEDIA]
Something simple, but recent......
Some nice touches to the restored station. The baggage area almost makes me want to check a bag!
Some nice touches to the restored station. The ticket counters are quite an improvement.
Seattle's King Street Station, restored to its former glory.