So begins my official dive back into tiny toy trains with this: a design for a compact N scale layout that incorporates both local freight...
For anyone interested, Leroy Hertiage Museum has several videos on YouTube covering the Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company town of Laquin which...
Moved into a small 1889 house and now have a limited area to have a layout. In my office (Shared with the wife) I have one wall which also doubles...
A couple of logging switchers ease a train through Low Gap.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, That's all folks, caboose over the bridge and back to the shop.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, and we spooked some horses.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, Martin and crew siphoning water from stream.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, mountains in background.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, In your face.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, Martin Hansen, fireman.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, Martin firing.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, reflection. Darn wires!
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, railfans setting up at reflecting pond.
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, coming off bridge, up close.
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, across a stream.
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, up close.
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, from a distance showing butte.
Mt. Emily Lumber co. Shay No. 1, first
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, railfans setting up for first runby, caboose is their transport.
Mt. Emily Lumber Co. Shay No. 1, runby in the yard, safeties popped.