
Vinyl Roof Flashing Used As a Backdrop

The Vinyl Roof Flashing comes in 50 foot rolls 24 inches wide. It's easy to bend and adapts to corners in a gentle roll. There are no seams involved when you use the vinyl roof flashing and it accepts paint easily. Only two coats of paint were needed to cover the white vinyl roof flashing. The paint I used came from Lowe's and they had to mix it to get the shade of blue I wanted for the sky backdrop. I'm not going to paint clouds on the backdrop but will use many backdrop buildings that I had on the original JJJ&E plus some new buildings I never completed. The backdrop was cemented to the wall with formica cement. The wood trim around the top and sides of the flashing was painted the color of the walls. The black fascia needs another coat of paint. I'm going to use a latex satin enamel for the final coat of paint on the fascia.

Vinyl Roof Flashing Used As a Backdrop
Powersteamguy1790, Mar 22, 2009