John Sacrey

Sacrey Southern Railroad

Sacrey Southern Logo

Sacrey Southern Railroad
John Sacrey, Sep 9, 2006
    • Stourbridge Lion
      Tell us more about this logo...
    • John Sacrey

      The logo is a variation on my family's crest. I came across the crest and some of our history a few years ago.
    • BoxcabE50
      That's certainly a unique idea for creating a logo. :thumbs_up:


      Boxcab E50
    • John Sacrey
      Thanks Bobcab. After I found it, I bagan thinking of a logo and I couldn't up with one. Then I had "Homer Simpson" moment, DOH!!!! Right in front of me the whole time. The original has the helmet of a Knight and some intricate scrolling on it.
    • BoxcabE50
      You never know when inspiration will strike. I had for years, a concept in mind for a future model RR empire. But could not find the right site to place it. Then, one day I was looking at a map For some totally unrelated information. Wham! There it was. The perfect setting!

      For me, this has added a lot of fun to model railroading.


      Boxcab E50
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    John Sacrey
    Sep 9, 2006
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